TAMA Rachabanda

TamaRachaBanda for Transparency, Accountability, Measurability and Accuracy

February 16, 2010

కెసిఆర్ భయాలేంటి



Anonymous said...

KCR is suffering from something called : Psychosis

Decide for yourself.

Symptoms of Psychoses:

Persons with psychoses, whatever the cause of their problem, may exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

Disordered Thinking. Most commonly, people with thought disorders suffer delusions, i.e., false beliefs that cannot be shaken by the application of a logical argument.

Disordered Perception. An example of disordered perception is a hallucination, where there is no contribution from the senses to be misinterpreted, but rather the impression of something existing that is not actually there. Commonly, it is hearing, seeing, feeling or smelling things that are not there. Auditory and visual hallucinations can be a sign of psychosis due to a psychiatric disorder, but they may be evidence of brain tumors or a reaction to poison or drugs.

Language Disorders. A psychotic person may be incapable of answering a question directly or sticking to one topic. Psychotic people may also stop talking in mid sentence and abruptly fall silent. Another clue to psychosis is an excess of literal or concrete thinking, such as that shown in the patient who, upon being asked what was on his mind, replied, "My skull."

Disturbance of Affect: Many people with psychosis show inappropriate or labile affect; that is, their apparent emotion is either not consistent with what they are thinking, or fluctuates much more rapidly than normal. Thus, a psychotic person may laugh, cry, and show rage, all within a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

KCR gaadu oka PP gaadu, vaadini follow ayye vaallu bahuth bhadaa PP's.

Anonymous said...

Those who are accusing Sewa International as hindu organization, are most likely hindu's who appears to be genuniely concerned of discrimination and fairness. I appeal these people to read www.capeem.org, the history text book controversy, and fight for fairness as hindu's deserve fairness.Unfortunately, our own children has to follow these biased history in schools, and we are little concerned.

Anonymous said...

Guy's looks like lot of u have tons of energy. Please help for this important cause.....
The Penguin Group has published a book titled, “The Hindus-An Alternative History” by a professor of religions at Chicago University by name Wendy Doniger. This book contains not only many factual errors in Indian history but also misrepresents the beliefs, traditions and interpretations of a whole people.

Below is the text of a petition addressed to the President of the Penguin Group which lists some of the factual errors and offensive interpretations rampant in the book. The petition requests the Penguin President to withdraw the book immediately.

If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing it yourself.

Please also consider forwarding this message to all your friends and relations living anywhere in the world

Anonymous said...

Appeal to Celebrity sisters and the chamchas
You have done great harm to the community by your actions. You are a disgrace to your families,your friends,the organizations you work for,the community you live in and so forth.
Sincerely request that you come out in the open and let go your ego and apologize to the community which made you leaders.And let able people work in the EC.
