TAMA Rachabanda

TamaRachaBanda for Transparency, Accountability, Measurability and Accuracy

February 26, 2010

Election Manifesto of "Team A" - Status

Time has come to look at the Election Manifesto of "Team A" promised by them to the community. TAMA EC let the community know the status of each item.

Protect the INTEGRITY of the TAMA constitution.
Return TAMA to a Vibrant Cultural Organization.
Pass on our Telugu Culture to the Future Generations.
Focus inside TAMA - No External Political Affiliations.
Bring every TAMA member closer with a United Front.
Supporting Traditional Festival "Bathukamma".
Open Communications - Publish minutes of all meetings on web site.
TAMA Help Line for any member Emergencies, Accidents, Calamities, etc.
Increase Cultural & Literary Activities at Major and Minor TAMA events.
Changing TAMA membership from annual to Bi-Annual.
Fully Accountable, Service Oriented Nominees with Clear Roles & Responsibilities and no Personal Agendas.
Greater Transparency by Publishing Financials Quarterly on the TAMA web site; Tighter Financial Controls.
Continuing support to Telugu at Emory program.
Organize Palle-Ku-Podaam, Mana Badi and Maitri more effectively.
Make TAMA the first reference stop for all information on Telugu people and culture in Atlanta.
More Sub-Committees for greater member involvement & flexible implementation.
New Activities for Infants, Children, Teenagers, etc.

Thanks to TamaRachabanda for providing a forum. Bloggers send in constructive comments so that TAMA can use it in their Workshop. I hope they tocuh on these items in their Workshop.

TAMA Voter


Anonymous said...

"Open Communications - Publish minutes of all meetings on web site."

Is TAMA workshop the first meeting of TAMA EC. IF not, why were the minutes of the previous meetings not posted on the TAMA website as promised.

Anonymous said...

1. Why do I need to take membership to TAMA?
--My child has been performing in every TAMA program since four years with out membership.
--I am not Telugu speaking person also.
--TAMA allows any language.
--I am not interested in elections.
You are too good TAMA.
Why should I take membership to TAMA???????

Anonymous said...

"TAMA Workshop - Is it for the communtiy or for EC's Godfathers"

Thanks Rachabanda for letting the community know this is happening. The Email was sent to which group of people. I get TAMA Email every week but I didn't see this Workshop in it. I looked up on the TAMA website, but couldn't find it. If it is not open to public, it shouldn't be called TAMA workshop. Call it Team A Workshop.

Keeping up with your pledge of "Open Communication with the Community"

Anonymous said...

Is TAMA pushing Memberships for MONEY? Why do they need it. They have enough money in the CD's. No one knows at which bank.

They don't publish any detail accounts and when asked what happened to the money, the standard reply is they put it into a CD. For What?

Anonymous said...

Does any one see EC any different from prevoius years.

Anonymous said...

We got 25 Emails from contestants, their supporters during the 2009 elections. They gave away our Email address to promoters and distributors.

No one in EC is bothered to send the email to us about the Workshop.

Anonymous said...

What happened to all the pledges in their speeches before the election? These politicians are no different than those from AP.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the Marathi Cultural Coordinator? He promised so many things in his speech.

TAMA Life member for several years said...

Madhu & EC 2010,

It is very disappointing to come to know that you guys have invited a selective group of TAMA members for the TAMA workshop. Why didn't you guys send this information in the weekly news letter. Where is the so called trasperancy you guys promised in the elections?

Anonymous said...

Is "TEAM A" saying we cann't hold them to their Election Manifesto because they won only 7 of the 9 positions. It wasn't a complete sweep.

Anonymous said...

Is it a Joke? They won all the 9 positions. Everyone knows Ravi and Mahesh had a deal with Madhu's team. Anand was sold out or bought out. How did Anand suddenly become a Movie exhibitor? Pay back for helping them.

Anonymous said...

Taking membership in TAMA shows the members interest in TAMA. People do not mind giving loads of money to XYZ teachers to teach their children dance(not classical dance, just movie dance), but cry to pay $25 for TAMA membership. Also with auditions being held imagine a member not being selected where as a non member being selected. That would create a lot of hue and cry. As far as TAMA's CD's a large chunk of money left over after an EC's term is put into CD's. They are there and are public information. We can get this information by asking TAMA EC. The CD are meant for any big project that may come by. A lot of sweat goes into making a TAMA program so please be sportive and shell out a measly $25 to TAMA for providing an opportunity for your child to participate in a cultural program.

Anonymous said...

"TAMA's CD's a large chunk of money left over after an EC's term is put into CD's. They are there and are public information. We can get this information by asking TAMA EC. The CD are meant for any big project that may come by."

The money is put in CD's for a big project to come by? Are you kidding. You need to put some money as a rainy day fund. When the CD's become big, that is when corrupt people enter the organization to misuse the funds.

Why the membership is $25. Why can't it be $10. When you don't need the money now, why do you need to collect it and put in a CD.

What was the income of TAMA last year. How much money was spent and for what. How much is left over and how much was put in a CD. Where is this public information available.

Anonymous said...

From your private public information can you tell us how much money is saved in CD's by year and in which bank. Who has the authority to break the CD's.

In the website I can see TAMA Silver Jubilee Celebrations photos, but not any information on Finances for any year. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

After the program, EC needs to party with their supporters. Your $25 goes towards the Bar tab.

Anonymous said...

"A lot of sweat goes into making a TAMA program so please be sportive and shell out a measly $25 to TAMA for providing an opportunity for your child to participate in a cultural program."


The KIDS and the PARENTS put in more SWEAT than anyone. Are you dumb...

What are you talking about providing the opportunity. The parents (members of the community) are the ones providing opportunity to the EC members. Not the other way around.

They beg for votes at election time, calling and sending stupid emails.

After winning is when their stupidity comes out. All that matters after the elections is EC making stupid rules and trying to force it on the communtiy.

Anonymous said...

Please realize that the "EC" is not TAMA. EC is there to serve TAMA. Once in a while there are elections, otherwise no one wants to really serve TAMA. So yes TAMA(which is the members, you, if you are a member, me etc.) provides an opportunity to the children to dance. People would rather lavish parties and spend thousands of dollars but refuse to part with a miserable $25 for the opportunity for your kid to participate in TAMA. If it were a commercial organization I am sure you would not hesitate to stand in a queue to pay entry fess.

TAMA Life Member said...

As per me, I do not become a member of an organization for my children to dance on the stage. I become a member to support it to bring togetherness and advance our culture and heritage. Some people seem to be too narrow minded here. Become member to have your child dance? Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Life member,
1. I have seen atleast 10 to 15 families who come for every TAMA function and their kids will dance on the stage, they make big hungama to take their pictures and vedio...etc
2. These people not even care to pay 5 to 6 dollars even for food. They eat only if it is free.
Why these people are so miserable for $25 to take membership?

My questions to you...
1. Do you think TAMA get to arrange a stage, sound system for free?
2. Do you think, if they get a celebrity from India they come here to TAMA to perform for free?
3. You are talking about CD's ..did you give your personal property to TAMA and TAMA put in CD's in TAMA's name?
4. CD's money is membership money after all expenses...
5. Membership money means Life members pay $250 and annual members pay $25. Understand idiot!
6. If you really want to support a cultural organization not for your childrens sake I think you must be an old man...
7. If you are an old man and wants to come for just enjoying the program still you must take membership.
What I understand from all those people who do not want to take membership to TAMA are "parasites"
who just depend on other peoples money and enjoy either for their children's sake or out of interest in organization.

These parasites should not be allowed in next TAMA program.
Please refer a dictionary if you do not understand the correct meaning of a "PARASITE".
Next time please call those people who do not have membership to TAMA as "TAMA PARASITES".

Life Member said...

This person(anonymous) does not seem to have any common sense but frustration. He does not get what someone is saying. I never said people should not take memberships. I simply said we should become members to support an organization rather than for their kids to dance. Stop using your loud mouth. Reason with people rather than impose yourself. If I am 39, do you consider me as old? Now, I want you to think and respond. And not be loud.

Anonymous said...

Aaah, This is what is needed from every indian to question the politicians in India. Ikkada peeekuthe, eeka kooda raaladu...
