December 31, 2009
December 30, 2009
అట్లాంటా తెలంగానం విజయ ఘర్జన
Dear Atlanta Telanganites,
Thanks to each and everyone who came and supported the Telangana Cause in Atlanta on Saturday Night. Thanks a lot for all your generous contributions for the movement and to help the students who are fighting for Telangana. While we are trying to arrange the Atlanta Telanganites money to Students, we still waiting for the checks who pledged the money. Some friends could not contribute as they forgot the check books. We raised over $4000 (Already received) and another $1000 or so in pledges but not received. We have set a target of $6000.
You can write the checks on TCI name and mail the checks to address below and reply to this email with the amount.
Telangana Community Inc. P.O. Box 3193 Suwanee , GA - 30024
Our Event coverage:
Media Coverage: mainshow.asp?qry=/2009/dec/ 28new35 content/telangana-nri%E2%80% 99s-atlanta-call-action- telangana-statehood
Videos: v=gRJS9SZg9LA
Some friends took the event photos but we couldn't get them. If anyone of you took the pictures, please share them with us so that we can give it to Media and share them with all Atlanta Telangana Friends.
Everyone Must Read about Telangana links below
Andhra Valasa Palanalo Telangana fileview?id= 0BzYotg0QDCXfZmNlNWE3NjctZDk1N S00OThmLTk3ZTEtYTkxOWNjZGZkNzY 1&hl=en
108 FACTS against a million LIES fileview?id= 0BzYotg0QDCXfN2ZjM2Y4MTgtYzUyM y00ZGZhLWFhMDQtNmRmNGE0NDZmMWF i&hl=en
Why do we need Telangana a Must see Video: v=dkivNybmZac&feature=youtube_ gdata
Thanks to each and everyone who came and supported the Telangana Cause in Atlanta on Saturday Night. Thanks a lot for all your generous contributions for the movement and to help the students who are fighting for Telangana. While we are trying to arrange the Atlanta Telanganites money to Students, we still waiting for the checks who pledged the money. Some friends could not contribute as they forgot the check books. We raised over $4000 (Already received) and another $1000 or so in pledges but not received. We have set a target of $6000.
You can write the checks on TCI name and mail the checks to address below and reply to this email with the amount.
Telangana Community Inc. P.O. Box 3193 Suwanee , GA - 30024
Our Event coverage:
Media Coverage: mainshow.asp?qry=/2009/dec/ 28new35 content/telangana-nri%E2%80% 99s-atlanta-call-action- telangana-statehood
Videos: v=gRJS9SZg9LA
Some friends took the event photos but we couldn't get them. If anyone of you took the pictures, please share them with us so that we can give it to Media and share them with all Atlanta Telangana Friends.
Everyone Must Read about Telangana links below
Andhra Valasa Palanalo Telangana fileview?id= 0BzYotg0QDCXfZmNlNWE3NjctZDk1N S00OThmLTk3ZTEtYTkxOWNjZGZkNzY 1&hl=en
108 FACTS against a million LIES fileview?id= 0BzYotg0QDCXfN2ZjM2Y4MTgtYzUyM y00ZGZhLWFhMDQtNmRmNGE0NDZmMWF i&hl=en
Why do we need Telangana a Must see Video: v=dkivNybmZac&feature=youtube_ gdata
December 29, 2009
తామా మెయిలింగ్ లిస్టు అమ్మకం
Dear Rachabanda,
Please post this on your website. We should not encourage for anybody to misuse of the email addresses that were given for TAMA membership.
I am very angry for the fact that my email is now being spammed with several messages such as this everyday. I am not sure who is responsible for this, but I would blame this on the TAMA EC as they should own the fiduciary responsibility for protecting the email addresses.
We should seriously discourage this kind of misuse of our email address by some for profit organizations. We should bring awareness for this and banish such products and organization so that it would send a clear message to them.
Thanks in advance.
How dare that they have the audacity to spam me and ask me if it was a mistake. You guys need to stop this spamming right now.
Here is one of the email I have received with some Newyear Hungama promotion.
"Please accept our apologies if you have received this communication by mistake. Please send email to if you wish to be excluded from email list. Please mention EFTE (Exclude from this event) if you just want to be excluded for this event only."
Please post this on your website. We should not encourage for anybody to misuse of the email addresses that were given for TAMA membership.
I am very angry for the fact that my email is now being spammed with several messages such as this everyday. I am not sure who is responsible for this, but I would blame this on the TAMA EC as they should own the fiduciary responsibility for protecting the email addresses.
We should seriously discourage this kind of misuse of our email address by some for profit organizations. We should bring awareness for this and banish such products and organization so that it would send a clear message to them.
Thanks in advance.
How dare that they have the audacity to spam me and ask me if it was a mistake. You guys need to stop this spamming right now.
Here is one of the email I have received with some Newyear Hungama promotion.
"Please accept our apologies if you have received this communication by mistake. Please send email to if you wish to be excluded from email list. Please mention EFTE (Exclude from this event) if you just want to be excluded for this event only."
December 24, 2009
ఇంత దూరమొచ్చినాక ఎనక్కు పోయేది లేదు!
Join us at with your families and friends on Saturday 6PM at Sai Murali Restaurant, Alpharetta, GA to show your support for Telangana State
Your support is the need of the Hour! Here is a message from Anand Garlapati, on behalf of fellow Telanganites:
To respond please contact Anand Garlapati directly
We are setting an immediate goal of $5000 to $6000 on behalf of Atlanta Telanganites.
Telanagana NRI JAC is targeting to raise around 15 lakh rupees immediately so that they can run ads in TV Channels, Newspapers and one page pamphlet distribution to enlighten Telangana people for next few weeks. So please don't wait. FYI, irrespective of groups, parties every one joining Telangana NRI JAC for telangana cause. There are already 15 Telangana NRIs along with few MLAs and MLCs actively working with students, and other groups on the ground and fighting to their tooth and nail.
Click here to make your pledge. Click here to see the pledges made so far.
Around 250 NRIs from all over the USA talked to almost all Telangana MPs and MLAs, MLCs and other leaders from 8 PM to 2 AM last night. Timely appeal by NRIs yesterday really worked like a charm and influenced the resignation of every leader of Telangana right from surpanches to MPs and even ministers. Now everyone are for Telangana but not for parties or any other thing. This is very good sign for Telangana.
Just think, even the bitter enemies, politicians who are doing dog fights everyday are coming together for Telangana, why not you.
Some Telangana NRIs who have real estate properties are due to other reasons did not support Telangana. Now real estate is already messed up. If you don't support now real estate prices will fall further and Hyderabad will be a messy place. Sooner we get Telangana, quicker the property values will go up and Telangana will become Swarna Telangana sooner.
Intha Dooramochinaaka enkakupoyyedu ledu!
We request all the recipients of this email to pledge for the campaign immediately without any second thought. Please also forward to all Telangana friends and call them to pledge. This is the time we need everyone to come forward.
P.S: Our estimation is there are around 1000 Telangana NRIs in and around Atlanta. So please forward this request to your Telangana friends. This email has gone only to about 500 of them.
Note: Please don't think who the hell is Anand why should we care. I am not trying to become a leader nor I am going to take any credit from this initiative. Few Telangana friends asked me to lead this effort. As a son of Telangana I took the initiative as the need is very critical at this moment. Everyone are welcome to join this effort and keep this momentum until we get Telangana.
See you all with your families and friends on Saturday 6PM at Sai Murali restaurant, Alpharetta, GA. Your RSVP will be helpful.
Jai Telangana
Anand Garlapati
on behalf of Atlanta Telangana Friends
Your support is the need of the Hour! Here is a message from Anand Garlapati, on behalf of fellow Telanganites:
To respond please contact Anand Garlapati directly
We are setting an immediate goal of $5000 to $6000 on behalf of Atlanta Telanganites.
Telanagana NRI JAC is targeting to raise around 15 lakh rupees immediately so that they can run ads in TV Channels, Newspapers and one page pamphlet distribution to enlighten Telangana people for next few weeks. So please don't wait. FYI, irrespective of groups, parties every one joining Telangana NRI JAC for telangana cause. There are already 15 Telangana NRIs along with few MLAs and MLCs actively working with students, and other groups on the ground and fighting to their tooth and nail.
Click here to make your pledge. Click here to see the pledges made so far.
Around 250 NRIs from all over the USA talked to almost all Telangana MPs and MLAs, MLCs and other leaders from 8 PM to 2 AM last night. Timely appeal by NRIs yesterday really worked like a charm and influenced the resignation of every leader of Telangana right from surpanches to MPs and even ministers. Now everyone are for Telangana but not for parties or any other thing. This is very good sign for Telangana.
Just think, even the bitter enemies, politicians who are doing dog fights everyday are coming together for Telangana, why not you.
Some Telangana NRIs who have real estate properties are due to other reasons did not support Telangana. Now real estate is already messed up. If you don't support now real estate prices will fall further and Hyderabad will be a messy place. Sooner we get Telangana, quicker the property values will go up and Telangana will become Swarna Telangana sooner.
Intha Dooramochinaaka enkakupoyyedu ledu!
We request all the recipients of this email to pledge for the campaign immediately without any second thought. Please also forward to all Telangana friends and call them to pledge. This is the time we need everyone to come forward.
P.S: Our estimation is there are around 1000 Telangana NRIs in and around Atlanta. So please forward this request to your Telangana friends. This email has gone only to about 500 of them.
Note: Please don't think who the hell is Anand why should we care. I am not trying to become a leader nor I am going to take any credit from this initiative. Few Telangana friends asked me to lead this effort. As a son of Telangana I took the initiative as the need is very critical at this moment. Everyone are welcome to join this effort and keep this momentum until we get Telangana.
See you all with your families and friends on Saturday 6PM at Sai Murali restaurant, Alpharetta, GA. Your RSVP will be helpful.
Jai Telangana
Anand Garlapati
on behalf of Atlanta Telangana Friends
కెసిఅర్ లేక రజ్వి రాక్షసుడా
Qasim Razvi was the leader of a local militia, the Razakars of Hyderabad, who blocked accession into India after the partition against the wishes of the local population, and fought against the Indian forces during Operation Polo.
Razvi held views that Hyderabad should eventually join Pakistan in a major war against India, as clearly evidenced by some of his speeches and publications in Hyderabadi newspapers. Razvi was politically powerful and a close advisor of the Nizam, whom he encouraged to defy the Indian government, and block the accession of Hyderabad into India. At the height of the crisis, Razvi had placed his allies in influential posts, and was virtually dictating the Nizam's policy on the issue. Razvi even traveled to Delhi and had a stormy meeting with Indian leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He is quoted to have said "Death with the sword in hand, is always preferable to extinction by a mere stroke of the pen.", prompting the Indian government to call him the "Nizam's Frankenstein monster."
After Operation Polo, Razvi was placed under house arrest and tried under Indian laws on seditious activities and inciting communal violence. He was released in the 1950s, and he later moved to Pakistan.
Now Qasim Razvi spirit entered into KCR body and acting following things
* Similar to Razakars, KCR started Telangana Rastra Samithi (TRS) militia wing for terrorizing people who are against formation of Telangana
* KCR inciting communal violence in pretext of formation of Telangana
* Whole World calling KCR him as "Telangana Frankenstein monster"
We know how Qasim Razvi story ended, I will leave readers imagination how KCR life will turn into.
Qasim Razvi was the leader of a local militia, the Razakars of Hyderabad, who blocked accession into India after the partition against the wishes of the local population, and fought against the Indian forces during Operation Polo.
Razvi held views that Hyderabad should eventually join Pakistan in a major war against India, as clearly evidenced by some of his speeches and publications in Hyderabadi newspapers. Razvi was politically powerful and a close advisor of the Nizam, whom he encouraged to defy the Indian government, and block the accession of Hyderabad into India. At the height of the crisis, Razvi had placed his allies in influential posts, and was virtually dictating the Nizam's policy on the issue. Razvi even traveled to Delhi and had a stormy meeting with Indian leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He is quoted to have said "Death with the sword in hand, is always preferable to extinction by a mere stroke of the pen.", prompting the Indian government to call him the "Nizam's Frankenstein monster."
After Operation Polo, Razvi was placed under house arrest and tried under Indian laws on seditious activities and inciting communal violence. He was released in the 1950s, and he later moved to Pakistan.
Now Qasim Razvi spirit entered into KCR body and acting following things
* Similar to Razakars, KCR started Telangana Rastra Samithi (TRS) militia wing for terrorizing people who are against formation of Telangana
* KCR inciting communal violence in pretext of formation of Telangana
* Whole World calling KCR him as "Telangana Frankenstein monster"
We know how Qasim Razvi story ended, I will leave readers imagination how KCR life will turn into.
అమ్మలగన్న యమ్మ....ఇటలీ పెద్దమ్మ
సోనియా గాంధీ గారికి బహిరంగ లేఖ
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అమ్మలగన్న యమ్మ....ఇటలీ పెద్దమ్మ...భారత భాగ్య విధేత్రి...మహా రాణి
రాణిశ్రీ సోనియా దివ్య సమ్ముఖమునకు...
భవదీయులైన ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ప్రజలు విన్నవించునది..
మేమంతా మహా పాపులము...తెలిసో తెలియకో ఎన్నెన్నో పాపాలు చేశాము!!!
1.కాంగ్రెస్ అంటే జాతీయ పార్టీ ...వంద యేండ్లకు పైబడిన చరిత్ర కలిగిన
గొప్ప పార్టీ అని గుడ్డి నమ్మకంతో మొన్న 2009 ఎన్నికలలో కేంద్రం లోనూ
రాష్ట్రం లోనూ కాంగ్రెస్ ని గెలిపించాము.
2.దీర్ఘ దృష్టి , సమభావన మెండు గా కలిగిన జన నేత ఐన ముఖ్యమంత్రి స్థాయి
వ్యక్తి భద్రత ని పట్టించుకోలేక నిద్ర పొయే నిఘా వ్యవస్థ లో
3.ఆ తరువాతైనా సమర్థవంతమైన ముఖ్యమంత్రి ని ఎన్నుకోవాలనే కనీస స్పృహ లేని
స్వార్థ రాజకీయ నాయకుల చేతిలో బందీలమైపోయాము.
4.చరిత్ర కనీ వినీ ఎరుగని రీతి లో అత్యంత బలహీనమైన, అసమర్థమైన
ముఖ్యమంత్రి ని మా పైన బలవంతం గా రుద్దితే నోరెత్తకుండా పడి ఉన్నాము.
5.రాష్ట్ర విభజన మీద ఎప్పటినుండో చర్చ జరుగుతున్నా 'ఇది మా సమస్య కాదు
లే' అన్నట్టు ఇన్ని రోజులు పట్టించుకోకుండా నిర్లిప్తం గా బండ రాళ్ల లా
పడి ఉన్నాం.
6.సెలైన్ లూ , టీ.పీ.ఎన్ లూ తీసుకుంటూ ఒకాయన నిరాహార దీక్ష
చేస్తున్నానంటే,దాన్ని మీడియా హైలైట్ చేసి చూపిస్తూ ఉంటే ఆహా..ఓహో అంటూ
వినోదం గా చూశాం.
7.తీర్మానం పెట్టండి ..మేం మద్దతిస్తామని చెప్పి..చివరికి అందరి చెవి లో
పువ్వులు పెట్టే ప్రతిపక్ష నాయకుడిని కలిగిఉన్నాం.
8.గోడ మీద పిల్లుల లాంటి పార్టీల మాటలు నమ్మి ప్రకటన చేసే, 'ఇంటెలిజెన్స్
' ఏమాత్రం లేని కేంద్ర హోం మంత్రి చల్లని పాలన లొ భద్రం గా ఉన్నాం.
9.తీరా ప్రకటన చేసేశాక 'చేతులు కాలిన తరువాత ఆకులు పట్టుకున్నట్టు గా '
మూకుమ్మడి రాజీనామాలు చేసేసే ప్రజా ప్రతినిధులను ఎన్నుకున్నాం.
10.సామాన్య ప్రజలు, ప్రయాణికులు ఇబ్బంది పడేట్టు గా బస్సులను తగలబెట్టే
దుస్సంస్కృతి లో ఉన్నం.
11. రోజుల తరబడి విద్యా సంస్థలూ, వైద్యాలయాలూ మూసివేసుకుంటూ మా జీవితాలని
మేమే నాశనం చేసుకుంటున్నాం.
ఇన్ని సార్లు తప్పుల మీద తప్పులు చేసుకుంటూ పోయే మాకు...మమ్మల్ని మేము
పాలించుకునే హక్కు లేదు....
పచ్చని కుటుంబం లో చిచ్చు పెట్టిన మీ చేత్తోనే మా ప్రజాస్వామ్యానికి
కాస్త తల కొరివి పెట్టేసి ,మా హక్కులన్నింటికీ తద్దినం పెట్టేసి మా మీద
ఇంకా చేయాల్సిన ఏకైక ప్రయోగమైన ఆ "రాష్ట్రపతి పాలన " కాస్తా విధించేసి
సంతోషం గా తమాషా చూడవలసింది గా విఙ్ఞప్తి చేస్తున్నాం.....
దురదృష్టవంతులైన ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ప్రజానీకం
Ravindra Singareddy
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అమ్మలగన్న యమ్మ....ఇటలీ పెద్దమ్మ...భారత భాగ్య విధేత్రి...మహా రాణి
రాణిశ్రీ సోనియా దివ్య సమ్ముఖమునకు...
భవదీయులైన ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ప్రజలు విన్నవించునది..
మేమంతా మహా పాపులము...తెలిసో తెలియకో ఎన్నెన్నో పాపాలు చేశాము!!!
1.కాంగ్రెస్ అంటే జాతీయ పార్టీ ...వంద యేండ్లకు పైబడిన చరిత్ర కలిగిన
గొప్ప పార్టీ అని గుడ్డి నమ్మకంతో మొన్న 2009 ఎన్నికలలో కేంద్రం లోనూ
రాష్ట్రం లోనూ కాంగ్రెస్ ని గెలిపించాము.
2.దీర్ఘ దృష్టి , సమభావన మెండు గా కలిగిన జన నేత ఐన ముఖ్యమంత్రి స్థాయి
వ్యక్తి భద్రత ని పట్టించుకోలేక నిద్ర పొయే నిఘా వ్యవస్థ లో
3.ఆ తరువాతైనా సమర్థవంతమైన ముఖ్యమంత్రి ని ఎన్నుకోవాలనే కనీస స్పృహ లేని
స్వార్థ రాజకీయ నాయకుల చేతిలో బందీలమైపోయాము.
4.చరిత్ర కనీ వినీ ఎరుగని రీతి లో అత్యంత బలహీనమైన, అసమర్థమైన
ముఖ్యమంత్రి ని మా పైన బలవంతం గా రుద్దితే నోరెత్తకుండా పడి ఉన్నాము.
5.రాష్ట్ర విభజన మీద ఎప్పటినుండో చర్చ జరుగుతున్నా 'ఇది మా సమస్య కాదు
లే' అన్నట్టు ఇన్ని రోజులు పట్టించుకోకుండా నిర్లిప్తం గా బండ రాళ్ల లా
పడి ఉన్నాం.
6.సెలైన్ లూ , టీ.పీ.ఎన్ లూ తీసుకుంటూ ఒకాయన నిరాహార దీక్ష
చేస్తున్నానంటే,దాన్ని మీడియా హైలైట్ చేసి చూపిస్తూ ఉంటే ఆహా..ఓహో అంటూ
వినోదం గా చూశాం.
7.తీర్మానం పెట్టండి ..మేం మద్దతిస్తామని చెప్పి..చివరికి అందరి చెవి లో
పువ్వులు పెట్టే ప్రతిపక్ష నాయకుడిని కలిగిఉన్నాం.
8.గోడ మీద పిల్లుల లాంటి పార్టీల మాటలు నమ్మి ప్రకటన చేసే, 'ఇంటెలిజెన్స్
' ఏమాత్రం లేని కేంద్ర హోం మంత్రి చల్లని పాలన లొ భద్రం గా ఉన్నాం.
9.తీరా ప్రకటన చేసేశాక 'చేతులు కాలిన తరువాత ఆకులు పట్టుకున్నట్టు గా '
మూకుమ్మడి రాజీనామాలు చేసేసే ప్రజా ప్రతినిధులను ఎన్నుకున్నాం.
10.సామాన్య ప్రజలు, ప్రయాణికులు ఇబ్బంది పడేట్టు గా బస్సులను తగలబెట్టే
దుస్సంస్కృతి లో ఉన్నం.
11. రోజుల తరబడి విద్యా సంస్థలూ, వైద్యాలయాలూ మూసివేసుకుంటూ మా జీవితాలని
మేమే నాశనం చేసుకుంటున్నాం.
ఇన్ని సార్లు తప్పుల మీద తప్పులు చేసుకుంటూ పోయే మాకు...మమ్మల్ని మేము
పాలించుకునే హక్కు లేదు....
పచ్చని కుటుంబం లో చిచ్చు పెట్టిన మీ చేత్తోనే మా ప్రజాస్వామ్యానికి
కాస్త తల కొరివి పెట్టేసి ,మా హక్కులన్నింటికీ తద్దినం పెట్టేసి మా మీద
ఇంకా చేయాల్సిన ఏకైక ప్రయోగమైన ఆ "రాష్ట్రపతి పాలన " కాస్తా విధించేసి
సంతోషం గా తమాషా చూడవలసింది గా విఙ్ఞప్తి చేస్తున్నాం.....
దురదృష్టవంతులైన ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ ప్రజానీకం
Ravindra Singareddy
సంక్రాంతి ఉత్సవాలకి మీ ఆహ్వానం
Sankranti celebrations - January 2010
Along with the freezing cold, January brings us the colorful and joyous Sankranti. On the eve of Sankranti celebrations, TAMA is conducting Cultural Programs. Cultural programs have dances, skits, plays, singing, mimicry, etc. interested candidates
please click here to participate.
The date and the venue for the Sankranti celebrations will be announced soon. Please visit again.
Schedule Date:
When : 3PM
Where : TBD
Phone : 4045097472
Along with the freezing cold, January brings us the colorful and joyous Sankranti. On the eve of Sankranti celebrations, TAMA is conducting Cultural Programs. Cultural programs have dances, skits, plays, singing, mimicry, etc. interested candidates
please click here to participate.
The date and the venue for the Sankranti celebrations will be announced soon. Please visit again.
Schedule Date:
When : 3PM
Where : TBD
Phone : 4045097472
2011 అమెరికా తెలుగు సంబరాలు
North America Telugu Society (NATS) is organizing its' biennial conference "America Telugu Sambaralu - 2011" during the Independence Day weekend from July 1st to 3rd at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, New Jersey.
With grand success of the 2009 Sambaralu in Orlando, FL and valuable community input for the survey, leadership of NATS is planning a memorable event for the Telugu community across North America to reunite with their friends and families. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend the event.

Please become an active member of NATS by clicking on to join NATS. You can also donate online at for a cause of your choice - Polio Eradication, Disaster Relief, Center for Social Services, Eye Camps, SFRS (scholarships for poor students), Digital Libraries. All contributions made prior to December 31st are tax deductible for 2009.
We as an organization exists only because of people like you. Thank you once again for your support.
With grand success of the 2009 Sambaralu in Orlando, FL and valuable community input for the survey, leadership of NATS is planning a memorable event for the Telugu community across North America to reunite with their friends and families. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend the event.
Please become an active member of NATS by clicking on to join NATS. You can also donate online at for a cause of your choice - Polio Eradication, Disaster Relief, Center for Social Services, Eye Camps, SFRS (scholarships for poor students), Digital Libraries. All contributions made prior to December 31st are tax deductible for 2009.
We as an organization exists only because of people like you. Thank you once again for your support.
December 22, 2009
ఒకటా...,రెండా...., మూడా..?
Sonia Gandhi, with the help of Congress Core Committee decided the separation of Telangana. Everybody knows that KCR’s fasting is not at all a reason but some ulterior political equations that are behind this decision. KCR is just a pawn in the whole drama. This valueless drunk can not be the just founding father of a new proud state of Telangana. This is an unfortunate and sad decision that caused so much heartburn among people like me who loved Hyderabad as home. It’s not because we have a lot of trading or properties. For most of us, it is pure emotion of belonging. Andhra Pradesh is reverberating with repercussions of Sonia Gandhi’s political actions and equations. This emotional issue is causing a great deal of human and property loss as it involves lot of emotions from all sides, Telangana, Andhra, Rayalaseema, and Greater Hyderabad populations. What used to be a grudge between politicians of Telangana and AndhraSeema (Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema) now have percolated in to hatred between people of the regions. The Central Government needed to put this issue up for discussion among the Central Ministry, Parliament as well as the above stake holders. The Core Committee of Congress does not have the right to either grant or not grant anything. There is nothing wrong in granting statehood to Telangana. Only things had to be handled properly. Now that they did not and perpetrated hatred among the masses of all regions, here may be the solution that may make everyone satisfied the best. There will never be any issue that all sides would be in perfect harmony. But some solutions may make most people satisfied and as such both people can not coexist any more. There should be a referendum. Here should be the choices for voting across the great state of Andhra Pradesh. One choice must get more than 50% of backing, barring which there should be a run-off between top two choices. It is ridiculous to include United Andhra Pradesh as a choice any more, in my opinion. There is too much hatred among people of both regions to be together any more.
Telangana (with Hyderabad), AndhraSeema (Center builds new capital) – Two States
Telangana (Center builds new capital), Hyderabad, AndhraSeema (Center builds new capital) – Three States
First choice would need a new capital for AndhraSeema. A backward area with not so fertile lands and small hills, along with water facility, which is almost at the center of both Andhra and Rayalaseema would make an ideal new capital. We do not need to waste fertile area of Krishna Delta or Ongole. Palnadu area can be a great place for this. A brand new capital with planned drainage facilities and modern outlook can help Andhra and Rayalaseema people to cut their emotional connections to Hyderabad.
Second choice would include building two capitals. Telangana can choose Warangal, political nerve center of Telangana, as the capital and Center can invest in its infrastructure.
Center must fund development activities of all regions besides building necessary infrastructure for pushing off the course, a state that was moving in the right direction in development. All regions must be developed at the end of the day by forcing Center to shell out for their reckless games!
People who claim that Hyderabad must be part of Telangana must have the confidence to face plebiscite in Greater Metro Hyderabad. If we all have to honor the sentiments of Telangana, then Telangana people must do the same with the sentiments of Hyderabadis right?
Gurava Reddy
Telangana (with Hyderabad), AndhraSeema (Center builds new capital) – Two States
Telangana (Center builds new capital), Hyderabad, AndhraSeema (Center builds new capital) – Three States
First choice would need a new capital for AndhraSeema. A backward area with not so fertile lands and small hills, along with water facility, which is almost at the center of both Andhra and Rayalaseema would make an ideal new capital. We do not need to waste fertile area of Krishna Delta or Ongole. Palnadu area can be a great place for this. A brand new capital with planned drainage facilities and modern outlook can help Andhra and Rayalaseema people to cut their emotional connections to Hyderabad.
Second choice would include building two capitals. Telangana can choose Warangal, political nerve center of Telangana, as the capital and Center can invest in its infrastructure.
Center must fund development activities of all regions besides building necessary infrastructure for pushing off the course, a state that was moving in the right direction in development. All regions must be developed at the end of the day by forcing Center to shell out for their reckless games!
People who claim that Hyderabad must be part of Telangana must have the confidence to face plebiscite in Greater Metro Hyderabad. If we all have to honor the sentiments of Telangana, then Telangana people must do the same with the sentiments of Hyderabadis right?
Gurava Reddy
December 21, 2009
ఎనీ డౌట్స్ - తామావాలా
Every time Telangana people open their mouths, many people raise some concerns and doubts. Some of these doubting Toms don’t know the historical background of Telangana, some others don’t understand political strategies and outcomes. Some are protecting selfish interests while others think they are protecting unity of Telugu speaking people. Whatever the motives and basis for these doubts or questions and concerns, investigating and finding appropriate answers backed by facts, is essential.
1)Why do we need a separate state of Telangana? The demand for a separate state of Telangana isn’t new. Telanganites have very clearly expressed their opposition a decade before Andhra Pradesh was formed. They reasoned that in a united Andhra Pradesh they will not get justice, which was also supported by the recommendations of first SRC. Even after five decades, this demand is continuing. The reason for this is the experience of past 50+ years that justice will not be done to Telangana and belief that it will continue to be denied to Telanganites in united AP.
2)Why do people with one language need two states? Doesn’t if affect the unity of Telugu Speaking people? If one language, one state is the norm, why do we have 9-Hindhi speaking states? Next to Hindi, Telugu is the most spoken language in India. What is wrong with having two states that speak Telugu? Some people claim that Telangana Telugu isn’t the proper Telugu. Some others say it isn’t even Telugu. Why should these people that make fun of Telangana language and ridicule its culture should be objecting if Telangana is separate state? And what were the people and leaders who support Samaikandhra doing until today. Why didn’t they resign when their party leadership supported the cause of separate Telangana and resigned only after the central Govt. declared Telangana? Why did they change their stand overnight? Isn’t it being opportunistic? What did the people who are worried about the unity of telugu speaking language do to unite Yanam ( a telugu speaking town of Pondicherry near East Godavari district) in Andhra Pradesh? They didn’t fight for it because there is nothing to benefit from Yanam while there is a lot to benefit from Telangana. Then why this drama of all telugu speaking people should be united? If they think that the formation of Telangana will divide us all then I would say that we telugu people are already divided in Andhra Pradesh. The division is clearly seen in politics, Employment, Water allotment and also in America where we have more than one telugu organizations. If we really want to be united these boundaries regional, caste etc does not matter.
3. Isn’t separation of Andhra Pradesh, equivalent to showing disrespect to Sri Potti Sriramulu who fought for Andhrapradesh? The sacrifice made by Sri Potti Sriramulu for the creation of Andhra state is definitely laudable; however people often mistaken and gives him the credit for the merger of Telangana and Andhra state to form Andhra Pradesh. By this misconception, people often say don't let Sriramulu's sacrifices go to waste by creating Telangana state by dividing Andhra Pradesh. He actually fought for the formation of Andhra state (current Andhra + Seema) with madras as capital. Because of his efforts On 1 October 1953, the state of Andhra was established with Kurnool as capital carving it out from Madras State. Whereas Andhra Pradesh was formed on November 1, 1956, by merging Telangana with Andhra with Hyderabad as its capital, much against the recommendation of States Reorganization Commission (SRC).
4. Why didn’t the Chief Ministers that came from Telangana area work to develop Telangana? It is true that PV Narasimha Rao, Marri Chenna Reddy (twice), T. Anjiah from Telangana were Chief Ministers of AP. Altogether they were in power for 6-years in four terms. It is also true they haven’t made any noticeable development of Telangana. Jalagam Vengal Rao was a settler. He never assimilated himself in Telangana. He is credited with the disservice to Telangana by extending Nagarjun Sagar left canal. Then what about, Rayala Seema? There were stalwarts from Rayala seems that were in power for twenty five years. (N. Sanjeeva Reddy-2terms, Damodaram Sanjeeviah, K. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy-2 terms, CB Naidu-2 terms,). Why is Rayalaseema backward? Fact is they slaved for the Coastal Andhra wealth and the privileged few of these wealthy that control the politics of the state. Fazal Ali commission (Head of the first SRC ) recognized the consequences of mixing a developed area with a backward area and recommended that Telangana be kept as a separate state. If this country’s politicians had the wherewithal to listen to the wise men, we wouldn’t be in this situation!
5.Isn’t it detrimental to Indian national unity if small states are continuously created? Out of the 35 states currently in India (28 states and 7 central possessions), 70% are smaller than Telangana. Telangana’s population is 30 million plus. There are 25 states that are smaller than Telangana. If these twenty-five don’t cause national unity issues, why would creation of a larger state be any dangerous?. Or if you think that larger states strengthens the unity of the nation, then why name just form a very large single state of India, then India will be the strongest.
6. What would you do if the backward districts in Telangana want a separate state of their own after formation of Telangana state? Backwardness of Telangana is a major reason for the Telangana state demand but not the sole reason. All ten Telangana districts have same historical background, geographic closeness, cultural commonality, language unity, and mutual understanding among the people. These factors are all foundation for unity of thought. Never did the people of Telangana districts express a desire or sentiment to be separate from the rest of the districts directly or indirectly. There isn’t an opportunity for such either.
7. In our country there are some other backward districts in various states. Are they all demanding a separate statehood? It is meaning less and baseless argument. The demand for separate Telangana is not only because of backwardness but also for the sake of self respect and self governance as the Telangana people are always looked down upon and marginalized. If it was only for development then India would have never fought for independence from the British rule as they were developing the infrastructure even though for their own benefit.
8. Isn’t a separate state, a nation dividing, people separating, demand? If the desire of a people of a region to have their own state is a divisive act, then all states formation is a divisive act. In fact language based state formation itself is a divisive act. Same reasons that Potti Sriramulu the architect for separation of Andhra from Madras state, presented are the reasons Telanganites want their own state. The same argument used by the Andhras in the past is used by Telanganites now. If it was not an objectionable demand then how could it be objectionable now? 8. How long should states division continue? Staes re-organization is a continuing activity in India. Even before Fazal Ali commission this process has started, Example: Formation of Andhra, split from Madras. It has been continuing ever since, Ex: Eastern states division, Maharastra,Gujrath, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jarkhand, Uttaranchal, Chattisghad. Why should there be any objections for Telangana formation when there were no such objections for these states formation?
9. There are other backward areas in the state. Why should only Telangana people have a separate state of their own? Just as Telangana, Rayalaseema and north Andhra have been discriminated. True. But, additionally Telangana has been systemically robbed. Diversion of this regions natural resources, water, under ground resources and their income to other areas, the robbing of jobs from the region’s people, Colonization aren’t directed at other areas. Additionally the Telanganites have been subject to ridicule with respect to the language and the politicians have been looked down upon to the extent they lost their own self image. To preserve their self respect and to protect their region’s natural resources, people of Telangana want their own state.
10. Aren’t Naxalites the cause of Telangana’s backwardness? Only people that don’t understand or like to conveniently ignore historical facts would ask such questions. Naxals aren’t the cause of Telangana backwardness. They are an effect of Telangana backwardness. Naxals came up in Telangana due to this region has been subject to continues neglect and systematic theft of its resources. • If Naxals are the reason, then districts where Naxals activity is less should be more developed than those with strong Naxals presence. Then why is it that Mahabubnagar where naxals presence was low is further behind Naxals strong holds of Karimnagar, Warangal and Nizamabad? • Similarly, why is Vizag one of the important centers of Naxals activity is a flourishing industrial center not just in state but also in the country? • How is the Kothagudem thermal station which is in the middle of forested area able to complete its expansion under the schedule? • How is National thermal electric center in Ramagundam (even though its electricity isn’t used for Telangana) operating without any problems? • How is the coal from Singareni mines being mined and sent to Andhra and Rayalaseema? • How are Andhra settlers that bought off locals are able to flourish safely and prosperously in many Telangana areas? • In Warangal forests how is AP rayons, a private factory, operating? • How are the cement factories in Nalgonda singareni coal belt, those established by the Andhra Capitalists, able to operate and make profits? • Who is responsible for the closure of Ajamjhahi mills, Sirpur sirsilk mills, Anthargam spinning mills, DBR mills, Alwyn factories, Republic forge, Nizam Sugar Factories, Fourteen milk cooling plants? Didn’t Naxals object to such irresponsible Government mismanagement? • If Naxals are the cause of Telangana backwardness, how is the current Government who promised to complete all pending projects within three years in Telangana going to do it? • The cause of 1969 Telangana revolution was the Governments partiality. There were no Naxals then. • Who doesn’t know that the powers that are used to the stealing of Telangana resources and neglecting Telangana for the past 48 years want to continue to do the same, and are using Naxals as an excuse? Otherwise why would the Government that started talks as a response to people’s wishes is throwing stones in the talks process?
11. Instead of asking for a separate state, why can’t you fight for development within the frame work of united AP? Whenever the slogan for the separate Telangana is raised, only then people talk of developing it. And this is not the first time; the promises of Telangana development have been made for the past 50 years in united AP. Before and after the formation of AP, Which promises were kept? Which agreements were respected? Which projects were implemented? Which principles were they bound to? From the first day of AP formation, till to-day, agreements are being broken. What were the united AP wishers do? Did they even express any concerns? How long should the Telangana people bear this and put up with this injustice?
12. Isn’t separate Telangana state an anti-Andhra people’s movement? Emphatically NO. Telangana people don’t bear any animosity against the coastal Andhra or Rayalaseema people or the ordinary migrants from those areas to Telangana. Telangana people’s anger is with: The rulers that are raping Telangana resources, with their supporters in Andhra and also from Telangana. Those that came to Telangana and think they are the rulers of Telangana. Those that control the state Government with their financial strength and rob Telangana, those that ridicule Telangana language, culture and their mannerisms. All those that become a part of Telangana and share in the happiness and sorrow of Telangana with the locals are welcomed and, respected and loved.
13. What is there to be gained by the SC, ST and weaker sections in separate Telangana? What did these groups gain in united AP in 50 years? Apart from Sanjeeviah being CM for few months, when did any of these classes have any power? What is the status of these peoples leadership? What is the attitude of current Congress, BJP, both the communist parties, TDP? Not only the weaker sections, even the forward classes of Telangana, do they have any opportunity to exert any real power? For these classes to gain power they have to become active. For the past few years these people are rising, becoming active. No matter how active they become, in the united AP, not only these but other classes of people will also not progress. At least the forward class in Telangana have come to realization that it is unavoidable in the society for all people to a rightful share in the political power. Because of this there is opportunity in Separate Telangana for true democracy represented by all people, to prevail.
14. Andhras have built Hyderabad. Is it fair to ask them to leave it now? Hyderabad was a beautiful city built by Nizam on the sweat of Telangana villagers over a period of 400 years. One of the reasons Andhras eyed Telangana was Hyderabad- a ready made beautiful Capital city. It was fifth largest city before AP was formed and it still is fifth largest city. If Andhras contributed to Hyderabad, it was not out of love for Telangana but was for the convenience of the rich Andhras that have made Hyderabad their home. Hydearabd is still growing but not only from Andhras coming to settle but from the middle classes and forward classes of Telangana moving to the city for security and for services and livelihood, as the village economy in Telangana is all but destroyed by neglect of the ruling class, and failure of monsoons. Besides, nobody is asking anybody to leave any place. India is a free country and anybody can go and stay and pursue their livelihood anywhere in India. Hyderabad is a cosmopolitan city and people from many languages and all states of India call it their home. Also, this isn’t a separation of people like Pakistan and India. It is merely a separation of political and administrative machinery so people of Telangana can control their own destiny. The settlers are welcome to stay, contribute and share in the success of Telangana.
1)Why do we need a separate state of Telangana? The demand for a separate state of Telangana isn’t new. Telanganites have very clearly expressed their opposition a decade before Andhra Pradesh was formed. They reasoned that in a united Andhra Pradesh they will not get justice, which was also supported by the recommendations of first SRC. Even after five decades, this demand is continuing. The reason for this is the experience of past 50+ years that justice will not be done to Telangana and belief that it will continue to be denied to Telanganites in united AP.
2)Why do people with one language need two states? Doesn’t if affect the unity of Telugu Speaking people? If one language, one state is the norm, why do we have 9-Hindhi speaking states? Next to Hindi, Telugu is the most spoken language in India. What is wrong with having two states that speak Telugu? Some people claim that Telangana Telugu isn’t the proper Telugu. Some others say it isn’t even Telugu. Why should these people that make fun of Telangana language and ridicule its culture should be objecting if Telangana is separate state? And what were the people and leaders who support Samaikandhra doing until today. Why didn’t they resign when their party leadership supported the cause of separate Telangana and resigned only after the central Govt. declared Telangana? Why did they change their stand overnight? Isn’t it being opportunistic? What did the people who are worried about the unity of telugu speaking language do to unite Yanam ( a telugu speaking town of Pondicherry near East Godavari district) in Andhra Pradesh? They didn’t fight for it because there is nothing to benefit from Yanam while there is a lot to benefit from Telangana. Then why this drama of all telugu speaking people should be united? If they think that the formation of Telangana will divide us all then I would say that we telugu people are already divided in Andhra Pradesh. The division is clearly seen in politics, Employment, Water allotment and also in America where we have more than one telugu organizations. If we really want to be united these boundaries regional, caste etc does not matter.
3. Isn’t separation of Andhra Pradesh, equivalent to showing disrespect to Sri Potti Sriramulu who fought for Andhrapradesh? The sacrifice made by Sri Potti Sriramulu for the creation of Andhra state is definitely laudable; however people often mistaken and gives him the credit for the merger of Telangana and Andhra state to form Andhra Pradesh. By this misconception, people often say don't let Sriramulu's sacrifices go to waste by creating Telangana state by dividing Andhra Pradesh. He actually fought for the formation of Andhra state (current Andhra + Seema) with madras as capital. Because of his efforts On 1 October 1953, the state of Andhra was established with Kurnool as capital carving it out from Madras State. Whereas Andhra Pradesh was formed on November 1, 1956, by merging Telangana with Andhra with Hyderabad as its capital, much against the recommendation of States Reorganization Commission (SRC).
4. Why didn’t the Chief Ministers that came from Telangana area work to develop Telangana? It is true that PV Narasimha Rao, Marri Chenna Reddy (twice), T. Anjiah from Telangana were Chief Ministers of AP. Altogether they were in power for 6-years in four terms. It is also true they haven’t made any noticeable development of Telangana. Jalagam Vengal Rao was a settler. He never assimilated himself in Telangana. He is credited with the disservice to Telangana by extending Nagarjun Sagar left canal. Then what about, Rayala Seema? There were stalwarts from Rayala seems that were in power for twenty five years. (N. Sanjeeva Reddy-2terms, Damodaram Sanjeeviah, K. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy-2 terms, CB Naidu-2 terms,). Why is Rayalaseema backward? Fact is they slaved for the Coastal Andhra wealth and the privileged few of these wealthy that control the politics of the state. Fazal Ali commission (Head of the first SRC ) recognized the consequences of mixing a developed area with a backward area and recommended that Telangana be kept as a separate state. If this country’s politicians had the wherewithal to listen to the wise men, we wouldn’t be in this situation!
5.Isn’t it detrimental to Indian national unity if small states are continuously created? Out of the 35 states currently in India (28 states and 7 central possessions), 70% are smaller than Telangana. Telangana’s population is 30 million plus. There are 25 states that are smaller than Telangana. If these twenty-five don’t cause national unity issues, why would creation of a larger state be any dangerous?. Or if you think that larger states strengthens the unity of the nation, then why name just form a very large single state of India, then India will be the strongest.
6. What would you do if the backward districts in Telangana want a separate state of their own after formation of Telangana state? Backwardness of Telangana is a major reason for the Telangana state demand but not the sole reason. All ten Telangana districts have same historical background, geographic closeness, cultural commonality, language unity, and mutual understanding among the people. These factors are all foundation for unity of thought. Never did the people of Telangana districts express a desire or sentiment to be separate from the rest of the districts directly or indirectly. There isn’t an opportunity for such either.
7. In our country there are some other backward districts in various states. Are they all demanding a separate statehood? It is meaning less and baseless argument. The demand for separate Telangana is not only because of backwardness but also for the sake of self respect and self governance as the Telangana people are always looked down upon and marginalized. If it was only for development then India would have never fought for independence from the British rule as they were developing the infrastructure even though for their own benefit.
8. Isn’t a separate state, a nation dividing, people separating, demand? If the desire of a people of a region to have their own state is a divisive act, then all states formation is a divisive act. In fact language based state formation itself is a divisive act. Same reasons that Potti Sriramulu the architect for separation of Andhra from Madras state, presented are the reasons Telanganites want their own state. The same argument used by the Andhras in the past is used by Telanganites now. If it was not an objectionable demand then how could it be objectionable now? 8. How long should states division continue? Staes re-organization is a continuing activity in India. Even before Fazal Ali commission this process has started, Example: Formation of Andhra, split from Madras. It has been continuing ever since, Ex: Eastern states division, Maharastra,Gujrath, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jarkhand, Uttaranchal, Chattisghad. Why should there be any objections for Telangana formation when there were no such objections for these states formation?
9. There are other backward areas in the state. Why should only Telangana people have a separate state of their own? Just as Telangana, Rayalaseema and north Andhra have been discriminated. True. But, additionally Telangana has been systemically robbed. Diversion of this regions natural resources, water, under ground resources and their income to other areas, the robbing of jobs from the region’s people, Colonization aren’t directed at other areas. Additionally the Telanganites have been subject to ridicule with respect to the language and the politicians have been looked down upon to the extent they lost their own self image. To preserve their self respect and to protect their region’s natural resources, people of Telangana want their own state.
10. Aren’t Naxalites the cause of Telangana’s backwardness? Only people that don’t understand or like to conveniently ignore historical facts would ask such questions. Naxals aren’t the cause of Telangana backwardness. They are an effect of Telangana backwardness. Naxals came up in Telangana due to this region has been subject to continues neglect and systematic theft of its resources. • If Naxals are the reason, then districts where Naxals activity is less should be more developed than those with strong Naxals presence. Then why is it that Mahabubnagar where naxals presence was low is further behind Naxals strong holds of Karimnagar, Warangal and Nizamabad? • Similarly, why is Vizag one of the important centers of Naxals activity is a flourishing industrial center not just in state but also in the country? • How is the Kothagudem thermal station which is in the middle of forested area able to complete its expansion under the schedule? • How is National thermal electric center in Ramagundam (even though its electricity isn’t used for Telangana) operating without any problems? • How is the coal from Singareni mines being mined and sent to Andhra and Rayalaseema? • How are Andhra settlers that bought off locals are able to flourish safely and prosperously in many Telangana areas? • In Warangal forests how is AP rayons, a private factory, operating? • How are the cement factories in Nalgonda singareni coal belt, those established by the Andhra Capitalists, able to operate and make profits? • Who is responsible for the closure of Ajamjhahi mills, Sirpur sirsilk mills, Anthargam spinning mills, DBR mills, Alwyn factories, Republic forge, Nizam Sugar Factories, Fourteen milk cooling plants? Didn’t Naxals object to such irresponsible Government mismanagement? • If Naxals are the cause of Telangana backwardness, how is the current Government who promised to complete all pending projects within three years in Telangana going to do it? • The cause of 1969 Telangana revolution was the Governments partiality. There were no Naxals then. • Who doesn’t know that the powers that are used to the stealing of Telangana resources and neglecting Telangana for the past 48 years want to continue to do the same, and are using Naxals as an excuse? Otherwise why would the Government that started talks as a response to people’s wishes is throwing stones in the talks process?
11. Instead of asking for a separate state, why can’t you fight for development within the frame work of united AP? Whenever the slogan for the separate Telangana is raised, only then people talk of developing it. And this is not the first time; the promises of Telangana development have been made for the past 50 years in united AP. Before and after the formation of AP, Which promises were kept? Which agreements were respected? Which projects were implemented? Which principles were they bound to? From the first day of AP formation, till to-day, agreements are being broken. What were the united AP wishers do? Did they even express any concerns? How long should the Telangana people bear this and put up with this injustice?
12. Isn’t separate Telangana state an anti-Andhra people’s movement? Emphatically NO. Telangana people don’t bear any animosity against the coastal Andhra or Rayalaseema people or the ordinary migrants from those areas to Telangana. Telangana people’s anger is with: The rulers that are raping Telangana resources, with their supporters in Andhra and also from Telangana. Those that came to Telangana and think they are the rulers of Telangana. Those that control the state Government with their financial strength and rob Telangana, those that ridicule Telangana language, culture and their mannerisms. All those that become a part of Telangana and share in the happiness and sorrow of Telangana with the locals are welcomed and, respected and loved.
13. What is there to be gained by the SC, ST and weaker sections in separate Telangana? What did these groups gain in united AP in 50 years? Apart from Sanjeeviah being CM for few months, when did any of these classes have any power? What is the status of these peoples leadership? What is the attitude of current Congress, BJP, both the communist parties, TDP? Not only the weaker sections, even the forward classes of Telangana, do they have any opportunity to exert any real power? For these classes to gain power they have to become active. For the past few years these people are rising, becoming active. No matter how active they become, in the united AP, not only these but other classes of people will also not progress. At least the forward class in Telangana have come to realization that it is unavoidable in the society for all people to a rightful share in the political power. Because of this there is opportunity in Separate Telangana for true democracy represented by all people, to prevail.
14. Andhras have built Hyderabad. Is it fair to ask them to leave it now? Hyderabad was a beautiful city built by Nizam on the sweat of Telangana villagers over a period of 400 years. One of the reasons Andhras eyed Telangana was Hyderabad- a ready made beautiful Capital city. It was fifth largest city before AP was formed and it still is fifth largest city. If Andhras contributed to Hyderabad, it was not out of love for Telangana but was for the convenience of the rich Andhras that have made Hyderabad their home. Hydearabd is still growing but not only from Andhras coming to settle but from the middle classes and forward classes of Telangana moving to the city for security and for services and livelihood, as the village economy in Telangana is all but destroyed by neglect of the ruling class, and failure of monsoons. Besides, nobody is asking anybody to leave any place. India is a free country and anybody can go and stay and pursue their livelihood anywhere in India. Hyderabad is a cosmopolitan city and people from many languages and all states of India call it their home. Also, this isn’t a separation of people like Pakistan and India. It is merely a separation of political and administrative machinery so people of Telangana can control their own destiny. The settlers are welcome to stay, contribute and share in the success of Telangana.
తెలుగు వీర లేవరా
తెలుగు సోదర,
When Andhra Pradesh state was formed and Hyderabad was declared it's capital, it's obvious to believe that it's going to stay like that forever and no one has authority to divide it again. Many people across the state has accepted it in it's form and moved to their capital city(hyderabad) to pursue their dreams. They had great love and aspirations for the city. Hyderabad was developed in to one of the top Metropolitan city in India. Whole Andhra Pradesh feels proud of it's growth and development. Everyone from every part of Andhra Pradesh has strong bonding with the city in one form or the other.
On the other side, even after 50 years of formation of Andhra Pradesh, it is so sad to see people(some or all, not sure) from Telangana region not considering themselves to be part of Andhra Pradesh. As if time has stopped, they always lived in 1950s. They never wanted to move on from 1956. They were just living like secondary citizens in their own state of Andhra Pradesh. They didn't contribute to development of other parts of the state, like outsiders(andhra & seema) did to their region(hyderabad). They always were living with a belief that someone has cheated them and occupied their land.
Politicians and Media are hienas that are just trying to take advantage of every possible situation for their own cause. I believe it's complete irresponsibility of Government in 1956 & now, that has brought us to the point where we are today.
After almost fifty years of formation of Andhra Pradesh, if Govt. says everyone has been living a BIG LIE and Andhra Pradesh has never formed. How do you expect people to react?
Do you believe Andhra & Seema People are doing wrong by protesting for Samaikya Andhra Pradesh?
Do you believe all Telugu people cannot coexist?
Do you believe lack of development is the only reason why people want a separate state?
Do you believe Telangana people are doing the right thing by asking for separate state?
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
When Andhra Pradesh state was formed and Hyderabad was declared it's capital, it's obvious to believe that it's going to stay like that forever and no one has authority to divide it again. Many people across the state has accepted it in it's form and moved to their capital city(hyderabad) to pursue their dreams. They had great love and aspirations for the city. Hyderabad was developed in to one of the top Metropolitan city in India. Whole Andhra Pradesh feels proud of it's growth and development. Everyone from every part of Andhra Pradesh has strong bonding with the city in one form or the other.
On the other side, even after 50 years of formation of Andhra Pradesh, it is so sad to see people(some or all, not sure) from Telangana region not considering themselves to be part of Andhra Pradesh. As if time has stopped, they always lived in 1950s. They never wanted to move on from 1956. They were just living like secondary citizens in their own state of Andhra Pradesh. They didn't contribute to development of other parts of the state, like outsiders(andhra & seema) did to their region(hyderabad). They always were living with a belief that someone has cheated them and occupied their land.
Politicians and Media are hienas that are just trying to take advantage of every possible situation for their own cause. I believe it's complete irresponsibility of Government in 1956 & now, that has brought us to the point where we are today.
After almost fifty years of formation of Andhra Pradesh, if Govt. says everyone has been living a BIG LIE and Andhra Pradesh has never formed. How do you expect people to react?
Do you believe Andhra & Seema People are doing wrong by protesting for Samaikya Andhra Pradesh?
Do you believe all Telugu people cannot coexist?
Do you believe lack of development is the only reason why people want a separate state?
Do you believe Telangana people are doing the right thing by asking for separate state?
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
December 19, 2009
ప్రజలు ఒక్కటే కాని - పాలకులు వేరు
Subject: Is separate needed? i say yes. Read out the attachment completely.
Dear friends,
In our state people divided into two parts by the cruel mind game of politician and their thoughts.
As a human please think about what actually happened in Telangan at the time of merging with Andhra. Our leaders and politician may not tell us truth any time from the last 50 years of Independence.
When ever we think about Andhra Pradesh they told that Potti Sri Ramulu's hunger strike get the Andhra Pradesh state, is it correct. He died in 15th December 1953. Our state formed on 1st Novermber 1956. I want to tell you one thing about "Potti Sri Ramulu" He fight for the separate Andhra not for Andhra Pradesh. He started his hunger strike to divide the state from the Madras state for telegu speking people. Soon after his death our Central government sanctioned the Separate State for Telugu people with present Andhra and Rayalaseema districts. At that time there is separate Hyderabad state is there is our independence, because at the time of independence Hyderabad in the hand of Nizam rule he wanted to merge Hyderabad with Pakistan but our national leaders fight to get the Hyderabad into India at the same time our Telangana peole also want to free from Nizam rule becasue of his cruel rule.
After getting the separate Andhra from Madras, some or part of Andha leaders trying to look for there development and started the movement of Vishalandhra. Because they highly developed in the British rule but there is no income sources to develop the state. In Telangan there is lots of natural resources like metals and water supplies. That's why they wanted to merge the two states into single to get the benefit of the resources. By using these resources they developed their wealth but not Telangana. Every time they fight for there wealth only not for the development of Telugu people. If they really think about the development of Telugu people, they are not implemented the guide lines of the Merging, Our Central Government appointed a committee to study about the separate of state. They given the report that don't merge two states. They also given reasons why they wanted tobe separate. And also mention that if they merged what has tobe done to develop the Telangana. But it is not implemented perfectly, these is because of our Telangana Politicians, because they won't rasie there voice to implement.
It is brief about our Telangana movement and our leaders. Just go through the attached file and get the full details and join the movement of Telangana through the Information technology by sending this file to all the people whereever they are living.
భాష ఒక్కటే కాని - యాస వేరు
జాతి ఒక్కటే కాని - నీతి వేరు
ప్రజలు ఒక్కటే కాని - పాలకులు వేరు
చదువులు ఒక్కటే కాని - కొలువులు వేరు
భూమలు ఒక్కటే కాని - ధరలు వేరు
నదులు ఒక్కటే కాని - పారే తీరు వేరు
రాష్ట్రం ఒక్కటే కాని - కష్టాలు వేరు
Jai Telangana
Dear friends,
In our state people divided into two parts by the cruel mind game of politician and their thoughts.
As a human please think about what actually happened in Telangan at the time of merging with Andhra. Our leaders and politician may not tell us truth any time from the last 50 years of Independence.
When ever we think about Andhra Pradesh they told that Potti Sri Ramulu's hunger strike get the Andhra Pradesh state, is it correct. He died in 15th December 1953. Our state formed on 1st Novermber 1956. I want to tell you one thing about "Potti Sri Ramulu" He fight for the separate Andhra not for Andhra Pradesh. He started his hunger strike to divide the state from the Madras state for telegu speking people. Soon after his death our Central government sanctioned the Separate State for Telugu people with present Andhra and Rayalaseema districts. At that time there is separate Hyderabad state is there is our independence, because at the time of independence Hyderabad in the hand of Nizam rule he wanted to merge Hyderabad with Pakistan but our national leaders fight to get the Hyderabad into India at the same time our Telangana peole also want to free from Nizam rule becasue of his cruel rule.
After getting the separate Andhra from Madras, some or part of Andha leaders trying to look for there development and started the movement of Vishalandhra. Because they highly developed in the British rule but there is no income sources to develop the state. In Telangan there is lots of natural resources like metals and water supplies. That's why they wanted to merge the two states into single to get the benefit of the resources. By using these resources they developed their wealth but not Telangana. Every time they fight for there wealth only not for the development of Telugu people. If they really think about the development of Telugu people, they are not implemented the guide lines of the Merging, Our Central Government appointed a committee to study about the separate of state. They given the report that don't merge two states. They also given reasons why they wanted tobe separate. And also mention that if they merged what has tobe done to develop the Telangana. But it is not implemented perfectly, these is because of our Telangana Politicians, because they won't rasie there voice to implement.
It is brief about our Telangana movement and our leaders. Just go through the attached file and get the full details and join the movement of Telangana through the Information technology by sending this file to all the people whereever they are living.
భాష ఒక్కటే కాని - యాస వేరు
జాతి ఒక్కటే కాని - నీతి వేరు
ప్రజలు ఒక్కటే కాని - పాలకులు వేరు
చదువులు ఒక్కటే కాని - కొలువులు వేరు
భూమలు ఒక్కటే కాని - ధరలు వేరు
నదులు ఒక్కటే కాని - పారే తీరు వేరు
రాష్ట్రం ఒక్కటే కాని - కష్టాలు వేరు
Jai Telangana
December 18, 2009
రవి రభస - రైల్వే రింగ్ ప్రాజెక్ట్
UPA and State governments are on verge of collapse. Now is the time for Telangana people to make a deal with central government, it is the best time for development of Telangana within the framework of Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
Here are the things we have come up with, after series of email conversations with pro Telangana Group and have convinced some of the Pro Telangana people that Telangana issue will be resolved through development. After severe negotiations, we have come up with following proposal for center:
We will demand 100,000 crores immediately from center for development of Telangana for following developmental projects:
Yes Water for our fields. Our share of Krishna & Godavari Waters, our right through Nagarjuna Sagar Left Canal.
Pranahit Chevalla and Bima projects and few other Telangana projects which are in pipe line.
Completion of Kantharam Project
GO 610 to be implemented very strictly.
Implementing Telangana Railway Ring Project - 13 New railway lines in Telangana
Jagityal to Nizamabad ( via Metpalli and Armoor) 94 km
Armoor to Adilabad (via Nirmal) 110 km
Bodhan to Udgir (via Degloor) 100 km
Bodhan to Medak (via Banswada and yella reddy) 100 km
Yellareddy (middle of Banswada and Yellareddy) to Bidar ( via pitlam and Narayankhed) 60 km
Medak to Sangareddy (via Rajampet) 50 km
Akkannapet to Kothapalli (via siddipet and vemulavada) 90 km
Siddipet to Jangaom ( via Bucchannapet) 60 km
Sangareddy to Patancheruvu 25 km
Tandur to Mahabubnagar (via kondangal) 80 km
Badepalli (Mahabubnagar) to Nalgonda (via kalwakurthi and mallepalli) 150 km
Mallepalli to Macharla (via Nagarjuna sagar) 70 km
Nalgonda to Khammam (via Suryapet) 90 km
Establish defense related industry in Mahabubnagar
Railway Coach Factory in Karimnagar
Indian Institute of Science with medical faulty and hospital facility in Nizamabad
Develop Tourist Industry in Adilabad
Free Power for farmers
Fees Reimbursement for students
We need to hit iron when it is hot. If we divide we are not going to get anything, expect satisfying our ego. This is will be win win situation for central government and Telangana people.
Please spread this information among our friends, let us work for development of Telangana.
Please Note: If Telangana MPs cannot bring 100,000 crores from center, then they are not committed for development but using Telangana issue for their political gains.
Ravi Singareddy
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
Please send this email to as many people as possible, let us put all the Telangana's MPs for Test
Here are the things we have come up with, after series of email conversations with pro Telangana Group and have convinced some of the Pro Telangana people that Telangana issue will be resolved through development. After severe negotiations, we have come up with following proposal for center:
We will demand 100,000 crores immediately from center for development of Telangana for following developmental projects:
Yes Water for our fields. Our share of Krishna & Godavari Waters, our right through Nagarjuna Sagar Left Canal.
Pranahit Chevalla and Bima projects and few other Telangana projects which are in pipe line.
Completion of Kantharam Project
GO 610 to be implemented very strictly.
Implementing Telangana Railway Ring Project - 13 New railway lines in Telangana
Jagityal to Nizamabad ( via Metpalli and Armoor) 94 km
Armoor to Adilabad (via Nirmal) 110 km
Bodhan to Udgir (via Degloor) 100 km
Bodhan to Medak (via Banswada and yella reddy) 100 km
Yellareddy (middle of Banswada and Yellareddy) to Bidar ( via pitlam and Narayankhed) 60 km
Medak to Sangareddy (via Rajampet) 50 km
Akkannapet to Kothapalli (via siddipet and vemulavada) 90 km
Siddipet to Jangaom ( via Bucchannapet) 60 km
Sangareddy to Patancheruvu 25 km
Tandur to Mahabubnagar (via kondangal) 80 km
Badepalli (Mahabubnagar) to Nalgonda (via kalwakurthi and mallepalli) 150 km
Mallepalli to Macharla (via Nagarjuna sagar) 70 km
Nalgonda to Khammam (via Suryapet) 90 km
Establish defense related industry in Mahabubnagar
Railway Coach Factory in Karimnagar
Indian Institute of Science with medical faulty and hospital facility in Nizamabad
Develop Tourist Industry in Adilabad
Free Power for farmers
Fees Reimbursement for students
We need to hit iron when it is hot. If we divide we are not going to get anything, expect satisfying our ego. This is will be win win situation for central government and Telangana people.
Please spread this information among our friends, let us work for development of Telangana.
Please Note: If Telangana MPs cannot bring 100,000 crores from center, then they are not committed for development but using Telangana issue for their political gains.
Ravi Singareddy
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
Please send this email to as many people as possible, let us put all the Telangana's MPs for Test
సమైక్య ఆంధ్ర గాంధీగిరి
I am not a journalist or a good writer. I just thought I should contribute some thing that can help people stay united as one family in our beloved Andhra Pradesh. I don't know the best way to propagate this idea of Gandhigiri which can help kill the hatred that's growing among our own people. Hope you agree with this and help me spread the word. Otherwise let me know of your thoughts.
SAP(Samaikya Andhra Pradesh) Gandhigiri...
People of Andhra Pradesh are telugu speaking brothers and sisters. People in Telangana region have misunderstood the meaning of statehood and thus brother hood. They need to realize all Telugu speaking people are one big family. Every family has issues and we need to resolve issues with in the family amicably and move forward together. History teaches us that there is strength in unity, then why separate?.
Not only Telangana region, even Seema and Andhra regions have places that are as under developed as places in Telangana are. It is not fair on part of Telangana political leaders to bifurcate state in the name of under development. We all should work on these issues that are plaguing whole Andhra Pradesh, together. It is high time to elevate these issues and make them high priority over bifurcation. This is just one side of the coin.
Telugu people are very frustrated with the bifurcation issue that has been thrust upon them by selfish political leaders. People of Andhra Pradesh are smarter than their political leaders. We all should turn this situation to our advantage and teach these political leaders a lesson.
We, all Telugu people, should take up Gandhigiri initiative and treat these people who ever is trying to break our Family. Let's come up with creative ways to sooth this animosity that's been spewed by few of our own brothers and sisters. Let's heal them with love, peace and caring. I understand these people will try to make a mockery of such gestures but some day they will realize our true intentions.
As a starter I propose the following:
Flower campaign to Sonia Gandhi
Peaceful "Jaadhu ki Jappi"(hug) to all those people whoever is protesting for separate state.
Broom the streets of political leaders that are trying to divide the state.
Flower campaign to political leaders that are trying to divide the state.
Friends, please spread the word and love. Let's kill this hatred among our brothers and sisters.
Jai Samaikya Andhra Prasdesh
SAP(Samaikya Andhra Pradesh) Gandhigiri...
People of Andhra Pradesh are telugu speaking brothers and sisters. People in Telangana region have misunderstood the meaning of statehood and thus brother hood. They need to realize all Telugu speaking people are one big family. Every family has issues and we need to resolve issues with in the family amicably and move forward together. History teaches us that there is strength in unity, then why separate?.
Not only Telangana region, even Seema and Andhra regions have places that are as under developed as places in Telangana are. It is not fair on part of Telangana political leaders to bifurcate state in the name of under development. We all should work on these issues that are plaguing whole Andhra Pradesh, together. It is high time to elevate these issues and make them high priority over bifurcation. This is just one side of the coin.
Telugu people are very frustrated with the bifurcation issue that has been thrust upon them by selfish political leaders. People of Andhra Pradesh are smarter than their political leaders. We all should turn this situation to our advantage and teach these political leaders a lesson.
We, all Telugu people, should take up Gandhigiri initiative and treat these people who ever is trying to break our Family. Let's come up with creative ways to sooth this animosity that's been spewed by few of our own brothers and sisters. Let's heal them with love, peace and caring. I understand these people will try to make a mockery of such gestures but some day they will realize our true intentions.
As a starter I propose the following:
Flower campaign to Sonia Gandhi
Peaceful "Jaadhu ki Jappi"(hug) to all those people whoever is protesting for separate state.
Broom the streets of political leaders that are trying to divide the state.
Flower campaign to political leaders that are trying to divide the state.
Friends, please spread the word and love. Let's kill this hatred among our brothers and sisters.
Jai Samaikya Andhra Prasdesh
ఆంధ్రావాలా, తామవాలా, ఇపుడు తెలంగానవాలా
Some Facts about TELANGANA. Why Telangana required
Discrimination in last 50 yrs Telangana was a separate state until 1956. There were certain rules while merging it with Andhra like Mulki rules, Presidential orders, Six Principles, GO610, 6th Zone etc as None of these conditions were followed in last 50 years in combined AP. Telangana people waited patiently for last 50 years. Nothing happened but this discrimination increased.
IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL TELANGANA PEOPLE to see that our next generations dont suffer the similar fate. Discrimination of Telangana is MULTI-FOLD
Development and Revenue generated
Political Power
Hyderabad WATER
Two major rivers Krishna Godavari pass through Telangana and there is no major irrigation project in Telangana. Total irrigated area in entire Telangana is lessthan whats there in Guntur dist. alone.
Height of discrimination: Projects built on Telangana land for the benefit of Non-Telangana areas. AP major irrigation minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah constituency doesnt have drinking water also forget about irrigation water, but he takes water from Pothireddypadu (Telangana) to Rayalaseema 400 KM away.
JOBS Govt. jobs (though 20-30%) are important as they control the rest of all other jobs (70-80%). They decide which area to develop, who should be promoted, where an industry/infrastruc ture should be developed, who should get govt benefits etc. Any state govt. office in Hyderabad like secretariat, irrigation, R&B, police, home ministry, high court is filled with 90 of Non-Telangana employees. None of them make any project proposal in Telangana and wont release funds to Telangana areas.
Even before merging Telangana with Andhra, it had surplus revenue generated in Hyd state. Now Telangana contributes 60% total revenue/tax generated for AP and most of this is spent in non-Telangana areas. There is no major industry, development in Telangana apart from whats there in Hyd. No development corridors(like Coastal corridor), major ports, irrigation water which benefit locals. Even for the development of Hyderabad , its the TELANGANA people who lost their land & water for roads, road expansions, airport projects, SEZs projects and GOT NOTHING in return.
For the people who say Non-Telangana people invested/developed Hyderabad , they did it for their business gains, NOT FOR DEVELOPING TELANGANA and they are getting their profits for it. Even for building any of these major projects its 90% Telangana labour who worked on this.
POLITICAL POWER It is one of the important factors for any area development. In the combined AP history of last 53 years, Andhra CMs ruled for 24 years, Rayalseema CMs rules for 22 years and Telangana CMs for 6 years. In this 6 years, 3 Telangana CM were used as make-shift arrangements while changing some of non-Telangana CMs. Telangana CMs never got power as CM and were never allowed to be CM by other area leaders. Each ruled for hardly a year or so before they were removed. Somuch discrimination wouldnt had occurred, if Telangana CMs were also allowed to rule. If Non-Telangana CMs are smarter/brighter, why they never developed anything in Telangana area? Why no govt jobs/benefits/ water projects in Telangana? HYDERABAD Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana from 400 years.
Its all surrounded by Telangana districts on all sides. Hyderabad is not like Chandigarh on the boarder of two states to make it Union Territory . Its the hard work and tax collected from Telangana people by Nizams over 400 years, Hyderabad is built. HIGH COURT, ASSEMBLY, OSMANIA HOSPITAL/UNIVERSITY , HUSSAIN SAGAR, KACHEGUDA, BEGUMPET AIRPORT , all of these were built by Telangana people.
if separate state is created, because we need IRRIGATION WATER, we need JOBS, we need DEVELOPMENT, we need RESPECT for Telangana culture and people. WE ARE ASKING FOR OUR RIGHTFUL SHARE OF THESE, not somebodys share of water/jobs etc.
You can watch video on you tube com/watch? v=3k286v3uLv8&feature=related
Discrimination in last 50 yrs Telangana was a separate state until 1956. There were certain rules while merging it with Andhra like Mulki rules, Presidential orders, Six Principles, GO610, 6th Zone etc as None of these conditions were followed in last 50 years in combined AP. Telangana people waited patiently for last 50 years. Nothing happened but this discrimination increased.
IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL TELANGANA PEOPLE to see that our next generations dont suffer the similar fate. Discrimination of Telangana is MULTI-FOLD
Development and Revenue generated
Political Power
Hyderabad WATER
Two major rivers Krishna Godavari pass through Telangana and there is no major irrigation project in Telangana. Total irrigated area in entire Telangana is lessthan whats there in Guntur dist. alone.
Height of discrimination: Projects built on Telangana land for the benefit of Non-Telangana areas. AP major irrigation minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah constituency doesnt have drinking water also forget about irrigation water, but he takes water from Pothireddypadu (Telangana) to Rayalaseema 400 KM away.
JOBS Govt. jobs (though 20-30%) are important as they control the rest of all other jobs (70-80%). They decide which area to develop, who should be promoted, where an industry/infrastruc ture should be developed, who should get govt benefits etc. Any state govt. office in Hyderabad like secretariat, irrigation, R&B, police, home ministry, high court is filled with 90 of Non-Telangana employees. None of them make any project proposal in Telangana and wont release funds to Telangana areas.
Even before merging Telangana with Andhra, it had surplus revenue generated in Hyd state. Now Telangana contributes 60% total revenue/tax generated for AP and most of this is spent in non-Telangana areas. There is no major industry, development in Telangana apart from whats there in Hyd. No development corridors(like Coastal corridor), major ports, irrigation water which benefit locals. Even for the development of Hyderabad , its the TELANGANA people who lost their land & water for roads, road expansions, airport projects, SEZs projects and GOT NOTHING in return.
For the people who say Non-Telangana people invested/developed Hyderabad , they did it for their business gains, NOT FOR DEVELOPING TELANGANA and they are getting their profits for it. Even for building any of these major projects its 90% Telangana labour who worked on this.
POLITICAL POWER It is one of the important factors for any area development. In the combined AP history of last 53 years, Andhra CMs ruled for 24 years, Rayalseema CMs rules for 22 years and Telangana CMs for 6 years. In this 6 years, 3 Telangana CM were used as make-shift arrangements while changing some of non-Telangana CMs. Telangana CMs never got power as CM and were never allowed to be CM by other area leaders. Each ruled for hardly a year or so before they were removed. Somuch discrimination wouldnt had occurred, if Telangana CMs were also allowed to rule. If Non-Telangana CMs are smarter/brighter, why they never developed anything in Telangana area? Why no govt jobs/benefits/ water projects in Telangana? HYDERABAD Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana from 400 years.
Its all surrounded by Telangana districts on all sides. Hyderabad is not like Chandigarh on the boarder of two states to make it Union Territory . Its the hard work and tax collected from Telangana people by Nizams over 400 years, Hyderabad is built. HIGH COURT, ASSEMBLY, OSMANIA HOSPITAL/UNIVERSITY , HUSSAIN SAGAR, KACHEGUDA, BEGUMPET AIRPORT , all of these were built by Telangana people.
if separate state is created, because we need IRRIGATION WATER, we need JOBS, we need DEVELOPMENT, we need RESPECT for Telangana culture and people. WE ARE ASKING FOR OUR RIGHTFUL SHARE OF THESE, not somebodys share of water/jobs etc.
You can watch video on you tube com/watch? v=3k286v3uLv8&feature=related
December 17, 2009
కొత్త ఉత్సాహం తో తామా రచ్చబండ
A new look and a new charter for TamaRachaBanda.
First and foremost, we want to thank all the volunteers and supporters of TamaRachaBanda who helped us in bringing in the content and making this blog possible. We want to thank all the community members who are actively and passively supporting this blog everyday. We have registered over 70,000+ page views over the last month and are growing strong. Your support has made our resolve stronger and firmer. The community needs a blog such as this, which will adhere to certain basic principles and provide a voice for the TAMA members and other visitors on the daily events that occur in the community.
A lot of euphoria has been generated from the local telugu community for Madhu's team for winning the 2010 TAMA elections. We congratulate and welcome the current executive team for coming forward with a great manifesto for Transparency and Accountability. We will be here watching and monitoring the progress of the 2010Executive Committee and will be the voice for all TAMA members by providing a channel for their opinions and interests on the proceedings of TAMA.
Although, we had to make some adjustments, while we are actively working on strategies to make the blog more friendly and informative. There were times we didn't have enough resources to moderate the comments section on the blog. We understand that anonymous comments are the foundation for online blogging and had to take we had to take this extreme step to stop accepting anonymous comments under the reasoning that we don't want people using this site as a forum to attack people without revealing themselves. Great news is that we have recruited several volunteers from the community who will help us with comments moderation and also bring life to the blog with new posts and activities.
We will be putting together several surveys the next few weeks on all community related issues related to TAMA and focus on filtering out the main directives from members to the executives. There are several promises that have been made during the current election and there is lot more to do than the availability of resources. Together we can address these issues and prioritize and channel resources to what the community needs and wants to see happen
We will be creating a dashboard to measure the popularity of the measures that will be taken by the executive committee for the current year and revisit the progress made every three months. This would give us a essence of how things are progressing in the community and would eliminate any last minute surprises.
We are still looking for writers, authors, and comment moderators for this online blogging community, your support and participation will make this blog lively and informative. We request you to send us short articles, emails, facts and analysis on all events and isssues that are relevant to our community. We will make every effort to post them immediately on the the site. Please send them to We will not post anything that is too offensive.
Thank you
Mana TamaRachaBanda
First and foremost, we want to thank all the volunteers and supporters of TamaRachaBanda who helped us in bringing in the content and making this blog possible. We want to thank all the community members who are actively and passively supporting this blog everyday. We have registered over 70,000+ page views over the last month and are growing strong. Your support has made our resolve stronger and firmer. The community needs a blog such as this, which will adhere to certain basic principles and provide a voice for the TAMA members and other visitors on the daily events that occur in the community.
A lot of euphoria has been generated from the local telugu community for Madhu's team for winning the 2010 TAMA elections. We congratulate and welcome the current executive team for coming forward with a great manifesto for Transparency and Accountability. We will be here watching and monitoring the progress of the 2010Executive Committee and will be the voice for all TAMA members by providing a channel for their opinions and interests on the proceedings of TAMA.
Although, we had to make some adjustments, while we are actively working on strategies to make the blog more friendly and informative. There were times we didn't have enough resources to moderate the comments section on the blog. We understand that anonymous comments are the foundation for online blogging and had to take we had to take this extreme step to stop accepting anonymous comments under the reasoning that we don't want people using this site as a forum to attack people without revealing themselves. Great news is that we have recruited several volunteers from the community who will help us with comments moderation and also bring life to the blog with new posts and activities.
We will be putting together several surveys the next few weeks on all community related issues related to TAMA and focus on filtering out the main directives from members to the executives. There are several promises that have been made during the current election and there is lot more to do than the availability of resources. Together we can address these issues and prioritize and channel resources to what the community needs and wants to see happen
We will be creating a dashboard to measure the popularity of the measures that will be taken by the executive committee for the current year and revisit the progress made every three months. This would give us a essence of how things are progressing in the community and would eliminate any last minute surprises.
We are still looking for writers, authors, and comment moderators for this online blogging community, your support and participation will make this blog lively and informative. We request you to send us short articles, emails, facts and analysis on all events and isssues that are relevant to our community. We will make every effort to post them immediately on the the site. Please send them to We will not post anything that is too offensive.
Thank you
Mana TamaRachaBanda
మన తామా తేజాలు ఈనాడు లో
Wow. Looks like our Tama Executive Committee didn't waste anytime in the self promotion content. Here is the headline in eenadu.
What's next guys?
Here is the eenadu link
What's next guys?
Here is the eenadu link
December 15, 2009
మనబడి లో అవక తవకలు
For fear of retribution please do not reveal my identity. It seems that every one takes all queries personally.
I have a question for the 2009 EC. They said that they spent $1364.94 for Manabadi for 2009. They took money from the students for enrollment. Pizza was supposed to have been sponsored by someone(according to TAMA's publicity). and the venue is free. So how come so much was spent on Manabadi? Could the 2009 EC or the 2010 EC please publish the expenses for Manabadi? What are the receipts for Manabadi categorized against? What are the expenses for Manabadi? If the members paid for Manabadi classes their payments cannot be counted as charity for IRS purposes as they are getting something in return.
TAMA Member.
For fear of retribution please do not reveal my identity. It seems that every one takes all queries personally.
I have a question for the 2009 EC. They said that they spent $1364.94 for Manabadi for 2009. They took money from the students for enrollment. Pizza was supposed to have been sponsored by someone(according to TAMA's publicity). and the venue is free. So how come so much was spent on Manabadi? Could the 2009 EC or the 2010 EC please publish the expenses for Manabadi? What are the receipts for Manabadi categorized against? What are the expenses for Manabadi? If the members paid for Manabadi classes their payments cannot be counted as charity for IRS purposes as they are getting something in return.
TAMA Member.
December 14, 2009
United స్టేట్స్ అఫ్ రాయల్ ఆంద్ర
Dear TamaRachaBanda,
Please post this to your blog and I would sincerely request for you to open up the comments section for anonymous visitors so that we can have good and healthy debate on issues. Having folks sign-in is making them stay away from blogging altogether.
As a non resident living in united states for past 18 years, I am appalled by the fact that my fellow desi's are using the same divisions that are being used by the politicians back home about Telagana and Samikya Andhra movements.
Although there are valid arguments that are being made on boths sides and quite frankly there are merits to both of them, the contention issue up for debate is what to do with Hyderabad? Does it belong to Telangana or would it be a independent union territory of India.
Tough situations like these needs novel thinking, How about giving Hyderabad to Telangana and create a proposal for adjunctification of Andhra and Rayalseema as 51st and 52nd states of United States of America thereby creating United States of Royal Andhra.
Apart from instant citizenship and promise of homeland for our fellow desi's on both shores, there are lots of other merits to this argument and one should consider the following perspectives:
It gives geo political strategic positioning for US (from China and North Korea)
It opens up emerging markets gateway (through Vizag port)
It gives a tremendous vote bank for democrats and Obama voters
It will increase and expand recruitment for defense force (army), we can then have off shore army fight offshore threats
It will create Tolly Holly masala movies starring Mahesh Babu with Angelina Jolie
It will create opportunities for senators in Washington to be bought out by telugu lobbyists from vijaywada
Most importantly it will introduce caste system into American politics so that Chandra Babu can run for the next president.
Jai Ho
United States of Royal Andhra
Please post this to your blog and I would sincerely request for you to open up the comments section for anonymous visitors so that we can have good and healthy debate on issues. Having folks sign-in is making them stay away from blogging altogether.
As a non resident living in united states for past 18 years, I am appalled by the fact that my fellow desi's are using the same divisions that are being used by the politicians back home about Telagana and Samikya Andhra movements.
Although there are valid arguments that are being made on boths sides and quite frankly there are merits to both of them, the contention issue up for debate is what to do with Hyderabad? Does it belong to Telangana or would it be a independent union territory of India.
Tough situations like these needs novel thinking, How about giving Hyderabad to Telangana and create a proposal for adjunctification of Andhra and Rayalseema as 51st and 52nd states of United States of America thereby creating United States of Royal Andhra.
Apart from instant citizenship and promise of homeland for our fellow desi's on both shores, there are lots of other merits to this argument and one should consider the following perspectives:
It gives geo political strategic positioning for US (from China and North Korea)
It opens up emerging markets gateway (through Vizag port)
It gives a tremendous vote bank for democrats and Obama voters
It will increase and expand recruitment for defense force (army), we can then have off shore army fight offshore threats
It will create Tolly Holly masala movies starring Mahesh Babu with Angelina Jolie
It will create opportunities for senators in Washington to be bought out by telugu lobbyists from vijaywada
Most importantly it will introduce caste system into American politics so that Chandra Babu can run for the next president.
Jai Ho
United States of Royal Andhra
సమైక్య ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ అట్లాంటా చాప్టర్ స్థాపన
Please Watch following video:
We had a nice and healthy conversations regarding issues related to present situation in Andhra Pradesh. We had around 15 to 20 people gathered and expressed their opinions regarding present situation in Andhra Pradesh.
Some quarter of people would like to hear arguments from Pro Telangana group. What kind of developmental plans do separate Telangana activists have for Telangana when it is separated? Why you can not execute these developmental activities in Samaikya Andhra Pradesh?
Here are the things, we have compiled on present burning issue
We are for development of Telangana and not for division Telangana People oppose separate state Andhra People oppose separate state Rayalaseema People oppose separate state Keep Andhra Pradesh united not divided We do not want Telangana to be another Chattisgarh When Telangana state happens, investments will move out of Telangana Do not suppress development of Andhra Pradesh
We could not influence with present 42 MPs in central government, and with the reduction in representation how can we influence central Government ?
High command means people of Andhra Pradesh not the power center in Delhi
Decision making regarding Andhra Pradesh should be in the hands of the Andhra Pradesh and not who are not part of Andhra Pradesh
If the Telangana state were to come, then there is no doubt in saying that the Telugu people would be thrown back 25 years in terms of growth and development. Here is the reason why.
As it is, the recession has been ravaging through every sector and making lives difficult. Now, if the separation were to happen, then it would take mammoth funds to establish a separate system and infrastructure. Given the current financial condition of the state, this is far from reality.
To add to the woes, the recent increase in the calamities etc are already serving death bells. This is just a tip of the iceberg and it is about time the groups open their eyes and realize what is happening around them. Is it the time to divide a state or look at the future of our Telugu people?
Next Activities
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh, Atlanta, USA Unit
Ravi Singareddy (678) 438 - 4294
Gopichand Sukhavasi (404) 644-0559
Shiva Mattipalli (678) 525-8915
Kiran Kundula (404) 579-6443
Srinivas Kotluri (770) 309-7132
Shiva Kumar Paladugu (770) 241-4559
Raj Kasireddy (972) 670-4775
Gandhi Sunil Chavele (678) 525 - 2560
Anand Akkineni (678) 770 - 0227
Gopi Duggirala (678) 491 - 3781
Madhu Sudan Kutagulla (678) 451-8892
Sudhakar Borra (770) 335-5728
We had a nice and healthy conversations regarding issues related to present situation in Andhra Pradesh. We had around 15 to 20 people gathered and expressed their opinions regarding present situation in Andhra Pradesh.
Some quarter of people would like to hear arguments from Pro Telangana group. What kind of developmental plans do separate Telangana activists have for Telangana when it is separated? Why you can not execute these developmental activities in Samaikya Andhra Pradesh?
Here are the things, we have compiled on present burning issue
We are for development of Telangana and not for division Telangana People oppose separate state Andhra People oppose separate state Rayalaseema People oppose separate state Keep Andhra Pradesh united not divided We do not want Telangana to be another Chattisgarh When Telangana state happens, investments will move out of Telangana Do not suppress development of Andhra Pradesh
We could not influence with present 42 MPs in central government, and with the reduction in representation how can we influence central Government ?
High command means people of Andhra Pradesh not the power center in Delhi
Decision making regarding Andhra Pradesh should be in the hands of the Andhra Pradesh and not who are not part of Andhra Pradesh
If the Telangana state were to come, then there is no doubt in saying that the Telugu people would be thrown back 25 years in terms of growth and development. Here is the reason why.
As it is, the recession has been ravaging through every sector and making lives difficult. Now, if the separation were to happen, then it would take mammoth funds to establish a separate system and infrastructure. Given the current financial condition of the state, this is far from reality.
To add to the woes, the recent increase in the calamities etc are already serving death bells. This is just a tip of the iceberg and it is about time the groups open their eyes and realize what is happening around them. Is it the time to divide a state or look at the future of our Telugu people?
Next Activities
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh, Atlanta, USA Unit
Ravi Singareddy (678) 438 - 4294
Gopichand Sukhavasi (404) 644-0559
Shiva Mattipalli (678) 525-8915
Kiran Kundula (404) 579-6443
Srinivas Kotluri (770) 309-7132
Shiva Kumar Paladugu (770) 241-4559
Raj Kasireddy (972) 670-4775
Gandhi Sunil Chavele (678) 525 - 2560
Anand Akkineni (678) 770 - 0227
Gopi Duggirala (678) 491 - 3781
Madhu Sudan Kutagulla (678) 451-8892
Sudhakar Borra (770) 335-5728
December 10, 2009
Center Stage లావాదేవీలు
We received the following information regarding the accounting of TAMA. The person did not want their information disclosed.
According to financials posted on TAMA website at
TAMA 2009 Accounts
on page 3 in expenses, there was an item for Center Stage for $5000.
Many TAMA members do not know of any show that happened there.At least they were not informed. Was it a private party set up for the convenience of friends of TAMA EC. If so who were invited? And according to the constitution, any amount paid which is $5000 and above needs to approved by the GBM. Even this issue was never discussed in any GBM this year.
The EC for 2009 needs to explain this major expense to the community. Now that the EC for 2010 has been elected and the transition will take place in the next couple of weeks, this issue needs to be looked into.
Role of the President as mentioned in TAMA constitution....
The President shall be the spokesperson for the association. The President shall be the coordinator of the Executive Committee and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of the President. He/she shall preside all meetings of the TAMA Executive Committee and call all General Body meetings. He/she shall be an ex-officio of any of the meetings organized by any Coordinators (Cultural, Movie, Literary and Educational). He/she shall appoint all committees authorized by the bylaws with the approval of the Executive Committee. He/she presides over all TAMA functions. He/she may sign any contracts, deeds, documents, and other instruments on behalf of TAMA after satisfying the following conditions. First, the President MUST consult with all other Executive Committee members and obtain the majority approval to sign any contract of expenditure with less than $5,000. Second, for any contract of expenditure with $5,000 or more, the President MUST present it to the General Body and obtain its approval. The President and Treasurer shall be the only authorized persons to sign the checks individually up to $500. Any check exceeding $500 shall require the signatures of both President and Treasurer.
According to financials posted on TAMA website at
TAMA 2009 Accounts
on page 3 in expenses, there was an item for Center Stage for $5000.
Many TAMA members do not know of any show that happened there.At least they were not informed. Was it a private party set up for the convenience of friends of TAMA EC. If so who were invited? And according to the constitution, any amount paid which is $5000 and above needs to approved by the GBM. Even this issue was never discussed in any GBM this year.
The EC for 2009 needs to explain this major expense to the community. Now that the EC for 2010 has been elected and the transition will take place in the next couple of weeks, this issue needs to be looked into.
Role of the President as mentioned in TAMA constitution....
The President shall be the spokesperson for the association. The President shall be the coordinator of the Executive Committee and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of the President. He/she shall preside all meetings of the TAMA Executive Committee and call all General Body meetings. He/she shall be an ex-officio of any of the meetings organized by any Coordinators (Cultural, Movie, Literary and Educational). He/she shall appoint all committees authorized by the bylaws with the approval of the Executive Committee. He/she presides over all TAMA functions. He/she may sign any contracts, deeds, documents, and other instruments on behalf of TAMA after satisfying the following conditions. First, the President MUST consult with all other Executive Committee members and obtain the majority approval to sign any contract of expenditure with less than $5,000. Second, for any contract of expenditure with $5,000 or more, the President MUST present it to the General Body and obtain its approval. The President and Treasurer shall be the only authorized persons to sign the checks individually up to $500. Any check exceeding $500 shall require the signatures of both President and Treasurer.
With the announcement to start the process of a separate state of Telangana, there have been a lot of emotions that came out in the open. Like any issue, the agenda of the common man is sidelined because of selfishness of the political class. Express your opinions about how the lot of the common man can be taken care of with or without the formation of the state.
We received the following email from one telugu resident in Atlanta expressing his opinion....
from:Ravindra Singareddy
date:Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:19 PM
subject:Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
My name is Ravi Singareddy and I am from Nizamabad and a strong supporter of Telangana cultural activities like Bathukamma and Goreti Venkanna musical programs but an opponent of separation of Andhra Pradesh. Telangana backwardness can be resolved only through development and not through a separate state. There is a sentiment for separate state across Telangana but only in couple of districts strongly. We must encourage developmental activies and take care of certain issues but a separate state is not the answer for to answer these issues.
People voted Congress party to power on YSR’s Samaikya Andhra slogan. Congress Government in Andhra Pradesh and Center are not keeping their promise of United Andhrapradesh. Sonia Gandhi, Rossaiah, Chandra Babu Naidu and Chiranjeevi are supporting a separate Telangana.
Now is the time for all the people of all parties, who believe in the united state come forward and raise their voice. Let us over throw Congress Governments from the State and Center. This will teach a lesson to the high command that could not keep their political promises.
Time: 10:00 am
Date: 12/12/2009
Location: Swathi Indian Cuisine
11060 Alpharetta Highway
Roswell, GA 30076-1472
Phone: (770) 642 - 9999
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
Ravi Singareddy
(678) 438 - 4294
We received the following email from one telugu resident in Atlanta expressing his opinion....
from:Ravindra Singareddy
date:Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:19 PM
subject:Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
My name is Ravi Singareddy and I am from Nizamabad and a strong supporter of Telangana cultural activities like Bathukamma and Goreti Venkanna musical programs but an opponent of separation of Andhra Pradesh. Telangana backwardness can be resolved only through development and not through a separate state. There is a sentiment for separate state across Telangana but only in couple of districts strongly. We must encourage developmental activies and take care of certain issues but a separate state is not the answer for to answer these issues.
People voted Congress party to power on YSR’s Samaikya Andhra slogan. Congress Government in Andhra Pradesh and Center are not keeping their promise of United Andhrapradesh. Sonia Gandhi, Rossaiah, Chandra Babu Naidu and Chiranjeevi are supporting a separate Telangana.
Now is the time for all the people of all parties, who believe in the united state come forward and raise their voice. Let us over throw Congress Governments from the State and Center. This will teach a lesson to the high command that could not keep their political promises.
Time: 10:00 am
Date: 12/12/2009
Location: Swathi Indian Cuisine
11060 Alpharetta Highway
Roswell, GA 30076-1472
Phone: (770) 642 - 9999
Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh
Ravi Singareddy
(678) 438 - 4294
ఎన్నికల వాక్'దానాలు'
We are publishing the manifestos from both the panels and also some individual promises which were taken from their emails sent out to the community.
Let us watch how many of them will be fulfilled or action will be taken. We will revisit these issues in about 3 months and give out a progress report at that time. As always, we welcome your valuable input.
MANA TAMA 2010 Manifesto
• Protect the INTEGRITY of the TAMA constitution.
• Return TAMA to a Vibrant Cultural Organization.
• Pass on our Telugu Culture to the Future Generations.
• Focus inside TAMA - No External Political Affiliations.
• Bring every TAMA member closer with a United Front.
• Supporting Traditional Festival "Bathukamma".
• Open Communications - Publish minutes of all meetings on web site.
• TAMA Help Line for any member Emergencies, Accidents, Calamities, etc.
• Increase Cultural & Literary Activities at Major and Minor TAMA events.
• Changing TAMA membership from annual to Bi-Annual.
• Fully Accountable, Service Oriented Nominees with Clear Roles & Responsibilities and no Personal Agendas.
• Greater Transparency by Publishing Financials Quarterly on the TAMA web site; Tighter Financial Controls.
• Continuing support to Telugu at Emory program.
• Organize Palle-Ku-Podaam, Mana Badi and Maitri more effectively.
• Make TAMA the first reference stop for all information on Telugu people and culture in Atlanta.
• More Sub-Committees for greater member involvement & flexible implementation.
• New Activities for Infants, Children, Teenagers, etc.
Team TAMA 2010 Manifesto
• Initiate Emergency assistance team to address unforeseen situations encountered by Telugu families in metro Atlanta
• Scholarships – Increase the amount given to each meritorious student
• Career Counseling - For High School Seniors from qualified professionals
• Promote more youth oriented programs like bowling nite, camping etc.
• Arrange cruise exclusively for Telugu families
• Host at least one Kavi Sammelanam and Ashtavadhanam each in a year
• Focus on financial transparency and explore the possibility of auditing the accounts periodically
• Increase Life membership enrollment
• Health Fair - Extend it to include all demographics, uninsured etc.
• Boost Palleku Podam participation attracting all age groups
• Maitri – Increase the participation
• Mahila Sadassu - Focus on socio-economic & health issues with qualified professionals
• Sahiti Sadassu - Encourage local talent
• Facilitate Telugu wing in county libraries
• Support Telugu at Emory
• Re-energize TAMA Sankranthi, Ugadi and Diwali events
• Raise funds for TAMA Bhavan
• Expand TAMA's horizons by including additional co-coordinators for Youth, Women, Sports, Health Care and Overseas
Madhu Tata(President)
If elected I promise to uphold democratic values in TAMA and will uphold the dignity and name of TAMA to it's utmost. I will promise to bring dignity to the Executive Committee and shall show respect to each and every member of the Telugu Community. I promise to once again refocus TAMA on assisting the local Telugu Community first and foremost.
Venkat Veeraneni(Secretary)
If elected for the position of Secretary I promise to bring transparency and accountability to the Executive Committee of TAMA. I will strive to record and publish the minutes of meeting of the EC. I believe that this will bring about a cordial and professional environment in the EC.
Suresh Peddi(Media Coordinator)
If elected I would like to redefine the role of the Media Coordinator. I will do my best to bring TAMA to your doorstep and to the doorsteps of the many Telugu families through the effective use of Media. I will record and catalog important events in TAMA for our future generations.
Mahesh Pawar(Cultural Coordinator)
Here is how I would like to bring difference to our Community by Serving as Cultural Coordinator.
• Conduct TAMA Super Singer 2010, ATLANTA TELUGU IDOL 2010
• TAMA TV (Publish the video of Atlanta local talents on TAMA Website every month)
• Bring accomplished artists from Andhra Pradesh on to the TAMA stage
• Continue the current Cultural Activities with creative talents and programs
• Encourage Local Talent in different forms of the art
• Enhance the respect of TAMA stage
Let us watch how many of them will be fulfilled or action will be taken. We will revisit these issues in about 3 months and give out a progress report at that time. As always, we welcome your valuable input.
MANA TAMA 2010 Manifesto
• Protect the INTEGRITY of the TAMA constitution.
• Return TAMA to a Vibrant Cultural Organization.
• Pass on our Telugu Culture to the Future Generations.
• Focus inside TAMA - No External Political Affiliations.
• Bring every TAMA member closer with a United Front.
• Supporting Traditional Festival "Bathukamma".
• Open Communications - Publish minutes of all meetings on web site.
• TAMA Help Line for any member Emergencies, Accidents, Calamities, etc.
• Increase Cultural & Literary Activities at Major and Minor TAMA events.
• Changing TAMA membership from annual to Bi-Annual.
• Fully Accountable, Service Oriented Nominees with Clear Roles & Responsibilities and no Personal Agendas.
• Greater Transparency by Publishing Financials Quarterly on the TAMA web site; Tighter Financial Controls.
• Continuing support to Telugu at Emory program.
• Organize Palle-Ku-Podaam, Mana Badi and Maitri more effectively.
• Make TAMA the first reference stop for all information on Telugu people and culture in Atlanta.
• More Sub-Committees for greater member involvement & flexible implementation.
• New Activities for Infants, Children, Teenagers, etc.
Team TAMA 2010 Manifesto
• Initiate Emergency assistance team to address unforeseen situations encountered by Telugu families in metro Atlanta
• Scholarships – Increase the amount given to each meritorious student
• Career Counseling - For High School Seniors from qualified professionals
• Promote more youth oriented programs like bowling nite, camping etc.
• Arrange cruise exclusively for Telugu families
• Host at least one Kavi Sammelanam and Ashtavadhanam each in a year
• Focus on financial transparency and explore the possibility of auditing the accounts periodically
• Increase Life membership enrollment
• Health Fair - Extend it to include all demographics, uninsured etc.
• Boost Palleku Podam participation attracting all age groups
• Maitri – Increase the participation
• Mahila Sadassu - Focus on socio-economic & health issues with qualified professionals
• Sahiti Sadassu - Encourage local talent
• Facilitate Telugu wing in county libraries
• Support Telugu at Emory
• Re-energize TAMA Sankranthi, Ugadi and Diwali events
• Raise funds for TAMA Bhavan
• Expand TAMA's horizons by including additional co-coordinators for Youth, Women, Sports, Health Care and Overseas
Madhu Tata(President)
If elected I promise to uphold democratic values in TAMA and will uphold the dignity and name of TAMA to it's utmost. I will promise to bring dignity to the Executive Committee and shall show respect to each and every member of the Telugu Community. I promise to once again refocus TAMA on assisting the local Telugu Community first and foremost.
Venkat Veeraneni(Secretary)
If elected for the position of Secretary I promise to bring transparency and accountability to the Executive Committee of TAMA. I will strive to record and publish the minutes of meeting of the EC. I believe that this will bring about a cordial and professional environment in the EC.
Suresh Peddi(Media Coordinator)
If elected I would like to redefine the role of the Media Coordinator. I will do my best to bring TAMA to your doorstep and to the doorsteps of the many Telugu families through the effective use of Media. I will record and catalog important events in TAMA for our future generations.
Mahesh Pawar(Cultural Coordinator)
Here is how I would like to bring difference to our Community by Serving as Cultural Coordinator.
• Conduct TAMA Super Singer 2010, ATLANTA TELUGU IDOL 2010
• TAMA TV (Publish the video of Atlanta local talents on TAMA Website every month)
• Bring accomplished artists from Andhra Pradesh on to the TAMA stage
• Continue the current Cultural Activities with creative talents and programs
• Encourage Local Talent in different forms of the art
• Enhance the respect of TAMA stage
December 9, 2009
పెద్దలు జాగ్రత్త
We came across this news in some of the papers today.
It is saddening to see something like this happening to parents
who come over to the US to help their children. We often see them
taking walks in the evenings in our neighborhoods. That seems to be
their major pastime when they are here. Please make sure they take
all the necessary precautions when they go out for a walk.
Maybe let them have a cell phone, give them information about crossing roads
at intersections,have your address and contact information with them etc....
Mrs. Palle Subbalakshamamma(54) passed way in a road accident on
Tuesday,December 8th, 2009 at 9PM.
She came to Morrisville(NC) from Nandayala (Kurnool Dt), AP to visit her daughter’s family just five months ago.
She went for a walk near her daughter’s residence and while crossing the road, she was hit by a car and died on the spot. She is supposed to leave for Nandyala in ten days. She is survived by her husband , daughter and a son.
It is saddening to see something like this happening to parents
who come over to the US to help their children. We often see them
taking walks in the evenings in our neighborhoods. That seems to be
their major pastime when they are here. Please make sure they take
all the necessary precautions when they go out for a walk.
Maybe let them have a cell phone, give them information about crossing roads
at intersections,have your address and contact information with them etc....
Mrs. Palle Subbalakshamamma(54) passed way in a road accident on
Tuesday,December 8th, 2009 at 9PM.
She came to Morrisville(NC) from Nandayala (Kurnool Dt), AP to visit her daughter’s family just five months ago.
She went for a walk near her daughter’s residence and while crossing the road, she was hit by a car and died on the spot. She is supposed to leave for Nandyala in ten days. She is survived by her husband , daughter and a son.
'దేవ్' ఉపాఖ్యానం
from: Devanand
date:Wed, Dec 9, 2009
subject:TAMA elections, Are we better off or worse off? A checkpoint.
TAMA elections, Are we better off or worse off? A checkpoint.
Dear TAMA Rachchabanda,
Thanks for all your entertaining articles and information/gossip during the past couple of weeks. I am also glad that you have taken steps to curb some of the unnecessary activity that has been unleashed during the past 2 days.
Here we are a year after the first shot has been fired and I want to publicly reflect as to whether we are at a better place or not with regards to TAMA. We have had elections during the past 2 years and I do not see it stopping in the forseeable future. I do not want them to stop either. However I would hope that the issues are given more importance than affiliations. A gentleman asked me "Instead of always pointing out what is wrong in TAMA why dont you suggest solutions." Well I did think long and hard and here are a few solutions.
Elections: Good or bad?
Good given people's thought process changes a lot. TAMA is for the Telugu people of Atlanta. TAMA needs to take the direction they want and not any individual or group's direction.
Can we avoid Elections? Maybe only for a few positions?
Although all TAMA positions are considered equal this is really a myth. Here is how I see the hierarchy of TAMA.
1) President
2) Vice President
3) Secretary
4) Treasurer
5) Cultural Co-ordinator
6) Media, Technology (Recently these have becoming prominent positions due to their roles.)
7) Literary
8) Education
Usually only people with real interest vie for the Literary position. For Education, you have to beg people. One well wisher mentioned that you have to make it compulsory for everyone to serve as an Education Coordinator at least once to stand for the top 4 positions. I thought that was funny. Anyway here is my take on this Have elections only upto Treasurer. Make it a rule that anyone contesting for Treasurer should have served in the other 5 positions (Cultural through Education). Then as is TAMA's tradition, Treasurer will become Secretary and so on.
Pros: It will take you 5 years to become a president. Only people who are really interested will come in to the organization. If someone is so talented and interested in serving they can do so from the outside. Support the organization. They can have their names plastered all over the place by sponsoring, supporting TAMA if fame is what they seek.
Eligibility for Elections:
I am somewhat on both sides on this issue. I have had discussions from both points of view. If you make only life members eligible then why even have annual members? What are their benefits? If you make everyone eligible then the General Body which has authority over the "Life Members" funds in CD's is comprised of annual members. Also who are annual members voting for? The people they voted for will not represent them(The current EC will represent them and their membership will expire before the end of the year.) So what does this mean?
Here is a suggestion: Bi-annual membership with voting eligibility for only those members who have enrolled the previous year. Membership term from September thru September. e.g. if you are a member after September 30 2009 and before or on December 31 2009, you will be a member till September 30 2011 and you will be eligible to vote in the elections in November 2010. There are 2 advantages of this. You will see who is working for one year. And you will have someone who represents you for one more year. I know this thought process needs more refinement but that is what rachabanda seems to be there for.
I would love to see different thoughts in this regard.
For those who are anxious to flame on why I supported one Team this year, that is for my next post. In the meanwhile hold your flames, if you can that is.
(I think people can uniquely identify me with only my first name.
I refuse to use my last name till that situation arises.)
date:Wed, Dec 9, 2009
subject:TAMA elections, Are we better off or worse off? A checkpoint.
TAMA elections, Are we better off or worse off? A checkpoint.
Dear TAMA Rachchabanda,
Thanks for all your entertaining articles and information/gossip during the past couple of weeks. I am also glad that you have taken steps to curb some of the unnecessary activity that has been unleashed during the past 2 days.
Here we are a year after the first shot has been fired and I want to publicly reflect as to whether we are at a better place or not with regards to TAMA. We have had elections during the past 2 years and I do not see it stopping in the forseeable future. I do not want them to stop either. However I would hope that the issues are given more importance than affiliations. A gentleman asked me "Instead of always pointing out what is wrong in TAMA why dont you suggest solutions." Well I did think long and hard and here are a few solutions.
Elections: Good or bad?
Good given people's thought process changes a lot. TAMA is for the Telugu people of Atlanta. TAMA needs to take the direction they want and not any individual or group's direction.
Can we avoid Elections? Maybe only for a few positions?
Although all TAMA positions are considered equal this is really a myth. Here is how I see the hierarchy of TAMA.
1) President
2) Vice President
3) Secretary
4) Treasurer
5) Cultural Co-ordinator
6) Media, Technology (Recently these have becoming prominent positions due to their roles.)
7) Literary
8) Education
Usually only people with real interest vie for the Literary position. For Education, you have to beg people. One well wisher mentioned that you have to make it compulsory for everyone to serve as an Education Coordinator at least once to stand for the top 4 positions. I thought that was funny. Anyway here is my take on this Have elections only upto Treasurer. Make it a rule that anyone contesting for Treasurer should have served in the other 5 positions (Cultural through Education). Then as is TAMA's tradition, Treasurer will become Secretary and so on.
Pros: It will take you 5 years to become a president. Only people who are really interested will come in to the organization. If someone is so talented and interested in serving they can do so from the outside. Support the organization. They can have their names plastered all over the place by sponsoring, supporting TAMA if fame is what they seek.
Eligibility for Elections:
I am somewhat on both sides on this issue. I have had discussions from both points of view. If you make only life members eligible then why even have annual members? What are their benefits? If you make everyone eligible then the General Body which has authority over the "Life Members" funds in CD's is comprised of annual members. Also who are annual members voting for? The people they voted for will not represent them(The current EC will represent them and their membership will expire before the end of the year.) So what does this mean?
Here is a suggestion: Bi-annual membership with voting eligibility for only those members who have enrolled the previous year. Membership term from September thru September. e.g. if you are a member after September 30 2009 and before or on December 31 2009, you will be a member till September 30 2011 and you will be eligible to vote in the elections in November 2010. There are 2 advantages of this. You will see who is working for one year. And you will have someone who represents you for one more year. I know this thought process needs more refinement but that is what rachabanda seems to be there for.
I would love to see different thoughts in this regard.
For those who are anxious to flame on why I supported one Team this year, that is for my next post. In the meanwhile hold your flames, if you can that is.
(I think people can uniquely identify me with only my first name.
I refuse to use my last name till that situation arises.)
తామా తుస్సు
Some analysis of the recent TAMA elections
Here is the guess numbers of the contestants who paid/influenced to get voters.
Tanuja - 150 (as her opponent is stronger)
Ravi - 50 (thought week candidate)
Meka - 100 (with help of GG or else 10)
Sai - 100 (As small circle, and thought cast will vote)
Mahesh - 100 (thought his friends from both sides will vote him)
Satya - 50 (thought his cast and his old friends will help)
Sree - 50 (???)
Madhav - 50 (thought phani's email is enough)
Umesh - 100 (thought his mentor KA will bring other votes)
Madhu - 250 (got people from other states like AL, NC ETC)
Anand - 100 (as his a on fire)
Venkat - 50 (thought his telangana will vote)
Aluwal - 100 (thought his customers will vote)
Sridevi - 50 (thought his mentor CA will get vote)
Suresh - 150 (his circle is big enough)
Sunil - 50 (no clue, where he came from, who his supporters are..)
Sandhya - 50 (thought his friend and her mentor will get vote)
VaraPrasad - 100 (with help of his mentor SM will get vote)
Total 750 from TeamTama and 900 from (ManaTeam) and around 300-400 life members.
Out of which lets assume around 600 are panel votes for TeamTama and 700 for ManaTeam.
Tanuja lost because (no reds came and those who came voted Madhu, and no support from her supporter SK thus lost with big margin)
Ravi won because (panel votes plus his votes and against AA votes)
Meka lost because (no reds came and no telangana votes)
Sai lost because (no reds came and his cast ditched him)
Mahesh won because (panel votes plus his votes and all his friends from other group and various groups)
Satya lost because (no reds and his old friends ditched him)
Sree lost because (no reds and no major support and no self marketing)
Madhav lost because (no reds and no major support and no self marketing)
Umesh lost because (no reds and no support from so called elders)
Overall TeamTama lost some of their positions for not pulling the voters.
Madhu won because (panel votes, plus his experience and pulling all the people he paid/influenced)
Anand lost because (of his character, and no full support from his team)
Venkat won because (panel votes and jai telangana, say thanks to CA for suggesting you )
Aluwal won because (panel votes and his customers)
Sreedevi lost because (people thought she is got crazy and wanted to give respect to the President position she had)
Suresh won because (panel votes and his friends, kvilas gang)
Sunil won because (panel votes + ???)
Sandhya won because (panel votes and his friend's votes who did not vote her friend SD)
VaraPrasad won because (panel votes and kvilas gang)
Mana TAMA won because they could use their vans very well to pull the voters
This is just an analysis
Here is the guess numbers of the contestants who paid/influenced to get voters.
Tanuja - 150 (as her opponent is stronger)
Ravi - 50 (thought week candidate)
Meka - 100 (with help of GG or else 10)
Sai - 100 (As small circle, and thought cast will vote)
Mahesh - 100 (thought his friends from both sides will vote him)
Satya - 50 (thought his cast and his old friends will help)
Sree - 50 (???)
Madhav - 50 (thought phani's email is enough)
Umesh - 100 (thought his mentor KA will bring other votes)
Madhu - 250 (got people from other states like AL, NC ETC)
Anand - 100 (as his a on fire)
Venkat - 50 (thought his telangana will vote)
Aluwal - 100 (thought his customers will vote)
Sridevi - 50 (thought his mentor CA will get vote)
Suresh - 150 (his circle is big enough)
Sunil - 50 (no clue, where he came from, who his supporters are..)
Sandhya - 50 (thought his friend and her mentor will get vote)
VaraPrasad - 100 (with help of his mentor SM will get vote)
Total 750 from TeamTama and 900 from (ManaTeam) and around 300-400 life members.
Out of which lets assume around 600 are panel votes for TeamTama and 700 for ManaTeam.
Tanuja lost because (no reds came and those who came voted Madhu, and no support from her supporter SK thus lost with big margin)
Ravi won because (panel votes plus his votes and against AA votes)
Meka lost because (no reds came and no telangana votes)
Sai lost because (no reds came and his cast ditched him)
Mahesh won because (panel votes plus his votes and all his friends from other group and various groups)
Satya lost because (no reds and his old friends ditched him)
Sree lost because (no reds and no major support and no self marketing)
Madhav lost because (no reds and no major support and no self marketing)
Umesh lost because (no reds and no support from so called elders)
Overall TeamTama lost some of their positions for not pulling the voters.
Madhu won because (panel votes, plus his experience and pulling all the people he paid/influenced)
Anand lost because (of his character, and no full support from his team)
Venkat won because (panel votes and jai telangana, say thanks to CA for suggesting you )
Aluwal won because (panel votes and his customers)
Sreedevi lost because (people thought she is got crazy and wanted to give respect to the President position she had)
Suresh won because (panel votes and his friends, kvilas gang)
Sunil won because (panel votes + ???)
Sandhya won because (panel votes and his friend's votes who did not vote her friend SD)
VaraPrasad won because (panel votes and kvilas gang)
Mana TAMA won because they could use their vans very well to pull the voters
This is just an analysis
December 8, 2009
We need to make this happen. As one of the premier charitable organization we need to support this effort. It may only take a couple of minutes of your time, but it will change the life of a child...
Dear Vibha Supporters,
I am sure the Subject of the e-mail must have excited you. But we have some work to do before we can get $25,000 from Chase Community Giving. Those of you who are Facebook must have already stumbled up on this. Chase Community Giving is a program run by Chase that will allow Facebook users to vote for local charities and non-profits, and help direct Chase corporate philanthropy dollars to eligible organizations in the following focus areas: education, healthcare, housing, the environment, combating hunger, arts and culture, human services, and animal welfare. The grassroots campaign aims to inspire a new way of corporate philanthropy.
The eligible charity receiving the most votes will be awarded $1 million, the top five runners-up will receive $100,000 each and the 100 finalists, including the top winners, will be awarded $25,000 each . Additionally, a special Advisory Board led by prominent national philanthropists will allocate $1 million to the nominated charities of its choice. Chase will use Facebook to allow participants of the Chase Community Giving program to select local causes and organizations in need of support focused on the issues that matter most, enabling those organizations to make further tangible progress toward their missions. Voting for Round 1 ends December 11. Voting for Round 2 ends January 22, 2010 and the top charities will be announced on or around February 1.
Our first goal is to get $25,000, which means we need to be one of the top 100 charities voted on Facebook. $25,000 will help us support 25 Sikshana schools, or 25 Non Formal Education Centers run by Door Step School reaching out to more than 2500 children.
How to Vote?
1. Go to Chase Community Giving
2. Login with your face book credential. (If you do not have account, create one at face book)
2. Type VIBHA in "Search for a local Charity and Vote now
3. Once you type, Help them Grow Inc, VIBHA ( Sunnyvale , CA) will come up. Click on that.
4. Click on become fan of Chase Community Giving
5. Click on Vote
Once you finish voting, you can help promote the cause by adding this to the status of your Facebook and inviting more friends to vote for Vibha. This is a great way to spread the message about Vibha and get $25,000 to support more children. So let's start casting our votes to help another child. Details about the program can be found @
We are currently at 550 Votes.
Can we reach 1000 by end of this week?
Rajesh Haridas
Dear Vibha Supporters,
I am sure the Subject of the e-mail must have excited you. But we have some work to do before we can get $25,000 from Chase Community Giving. Those of you who are Facebook must have already stumbled up on this. Chase Community Giving is a program run by Chase that will allow Facebook users to vote for local charities and non-profits, and help direct Chase corporate philanthropy dollars to eligible organizations in the following focus areas: education, healthcare, housing, the environment, combating hunger, arts and culture, human services, and animal welfare. The grassroots campaign aims to inspire a new way of corporate philanthropy.
The eligible charity receiving the most votes will be awarded $1 million, the top five runners-up will receive $100,000 each and the 100 finalists, including the top winners, will be awarded $25,000 each . Additionally, a special Advisory Board led by prominent national philanthropists will allocate $1 million to the nominated charities of its choice. Chase will use Facebook to allow participants of the Chase Community Giving program to select local causes and organizations in need of support focused on the issues that matter most, enabling those organizations to make further tangible progress toward their missions. Voting for Round 1 ends December 11. Voting for Round 2 ends January 22, 2010 and the top charities will be announced on or around February 1.
Our first goal is to get $25,000, which means we need to be one of the top 100 charities voted on Facebook. $25,000 will help us support 25 Sikshana schools, or 25 Non Formal Education Centers run by Door Step School reaching out to more than 2500 children.
How to Vote?
1. Go to Chase Community Giving
2. Login with your face book credential. (If you do not have account, create one at face book)
2. Type VIBHA in "Search for a local Charity and Vote now
3. Once you type, Help them Grow Inc, VIBHA ( Sunnyvale , CA) will come up. Click on that.
4. Click on become fan of Chase Community Giving
5. Click on Vote
Once you finish voting, you can help promote the cause by adding this to the status of your Facebook and inviting more friends to vote for Vibha. This is a great way to spread the message about Vibha and get $25,000 to support more children. So let's start casting our votes to help another child. Details about the program can be found @
We are currently at 550 Votes.
Can we reach 1000 by end of this week?
Rajesh Haridas
Good Comment
I am sure the original brain behind this forum is not for this idiotic discussions as anonymous but to have a fair and balanced discussion. We are so much educated and for what reason. Why put masks on the face and do this barbarious killing of personalities. Women have a special respect in Telugu culture and unfortunately what happened to our telugu culture and sampradayamu. If you all dare and are truthful please have a forum and talk openely but what is the point of carrying all this poison in ones heart and spewing it on others. Clear up your hearts and face and become an effective opposition and make sure that Madhu does not use the forum for his politics. This is all politics and try to be fair and balanced and keep it at a minimum. Spend the same time blogging for something effective for ideas like trying to create a forum for unemployed telugus out of college, H1, spouse abuse, teenage adjustment to Foreign culture, yoga for kidsii and parents with Teenagers, any drug abuse, matrimonial between telugu people at the local level coordinating with different telugu organizations, flood releif, transparency in governace where there is an effective communication between elected people and group in general. Tanuja team has steps last year and what needs to be continued and what are the other initiatives. Please for God's sake let each of us take a project and do something for good out there. Life is too short to have this hate spewing around guys. We are the best and brightest here and let us be all around in civic sense and decorum too.
Deals made before the Elections - Post Poll Scoop
Deals made before the Elections - Post Poll Scoop
Please post this article. You guys are doing a Good Job. Keep it up. Some of the comments are moving from Creative Writing to Bad Flavor. Please administer the Comments as much as you can.
There were rumors before the elections that Ravinder Reddy Allala has a deal in place for him to get votes from the opposite side and that his supporters are going to vote for Madhu.
Was a deal made to make Ravinder Reddy Allala the president for next year?...
How did Ravinder Reddy Allala and Mahesh Pawar get the same Majorty (around 70 Votes)?...Did the same voters cross vote for them?...
Mahesh Pawar friends say he has support for him across both the panels. How did they get the same Majority???
The biggest losers from the election were Tanuja by 240, Meka by 187, Karnati by 175. The remaining members from their panel lost by an average of 100 votes (Umesh 80, Durbha 105, Sree 121, Sai 109). Ravinder Reddy Allala and Mahesh Pawar should have lost by 100 votes at least. Instead of that they won by close to 70 Votes. They got 85 more votes than the rest of the panel (Umesh , Durbha , Sree , Sai). Were Tanuja, Meka and Karnati sold out?...
There are rumors that GG and KR wanted to cut their losses with Meka and wanted to make Ravinder Reddy Allala the next President of TAMA as their candidate.
Who was behind the deal?.. How did two candidates closer to the inner circle win with the others losing. Were the others candidates used as decoys.
All these questions and rumors about the elections are going to make it more interesting in the coming months. Please stay tuned.
Rachabanda Supporter
Madhu - 815 X (240)
Tanuja - 575
Vice President
Allala - 728 X (74)
Anand - 654
Venkat - 784 X (187)
Meka - 597
Aluwal - 743 X (109)
Sai - 634
Cultural Coordinator
Mahesh - 727 X (71)
Sreedevi - 656
Media Coordinator
Suresh Peddi - 778 X (175)
Karnati - 603
Education Co-ordinator
Sunil - 749 X (121)
Sree - 628
Literary Co-ordinator
Sandhya - 745 X (105)
Durbha - 640
Technology Co-ordinator
Varaprasad - 731 X (80)
Umesh - 651
Please post this article. You guys are doing a Good Job. Keep it up. Some of the comments are moving from Creative Writing to Bad Flavor. Please administer the Comments as much as you can.
There were rumors before the elections that Ravinder Reddy Allala has a deal in place for him to get votes from the opposite side and that his supporters are going to vote for Madhu.
Was a deal made to make Ravinder Reddy Allala the president for next year?...
How did Ravinder Reddy Allala and Mahesh Pawar get the same Majorty (around 70 Votes)?...Did the same voters cross vote for them?...
Mahesh Pawar friends say he has support for him across both the panels. How did they get the same Majority???
The biggest losers from the election were Tanuja by 240, Meka by 187, Karnati by 175. The remaining members from their panel lost by an average of 100 votes (Umesh 80, Durbha 105, Sree 121, Sai 109). Ravinder Reddy Allala and Mahesh Pawar should have lost by 100 votes at least. Instead of that they won by close to 70 Votes. They got 85 more votes than the rest of the panel (Umesh , Durbha , Sree , Sai). Were Tanuja, Meka and Karnati sold out?...
There are rumors that GG and KR wanted to cut their losses with Meka and wanted to make Ravinder Reddy Allala the next President of TAMA as their candidate.
Who was behind the deal?.. How did two candidates closer to the inner circle win with the others losing. Were the others candidates used as decoys.
All these questions and rumors about the elections are going to make it more interesting in the coming months. Please stay tuned.
Rachabanda Supporter
Madhu - 815 X (240)
Tanuja - 575
Vice President
Allala - 728 X (74)
Anand - 654
Venkat - 784 X (187)
Meka - 597
Aluwal - 743 X (109)
Sai - 634
Cultural Coordinator
Mahesh - 727 X (71)
Sreedevi - 656
Media Coordinator
Suresh Peddi - 778 X (175)
Karnati - 603
Education Co-ordinator
Sunil - 749 X (121)
Sree - 628
Literary Co-ordinator
Sandhya - 745 X (105)
Durbha - 640
Technology Co-ordinator
Varaprasad - 731 X (80)
Umesh - 651
December 7, 2009
Puvvada Concedes Defeat Finally...
Dear TAMA members,
From bottom of our hearts, our team would like to thank all the people who supported, worked and voted for us in this election.
We also want to thank community elders for their guidance.
Congratulations to all the winners and Wish you all the best for next year.
Dear Madhu:
We have fought elections from opposite sides. Now that elections are over, let us work together Please count on our support for telugu community.
Tanuja Puvvada
Team Tama 2010
From bottom of our hearts, our team would like to thank all the people who supported, worked and voted for us in this election.
We also want to thank community elders for their guidance.
Congratulations to all the winners and Wish you all the best for next year.
Dear Madhu:
We have fought elections from opposite sides. Now that elections are over, let us work together Please count on our support for telugu community.
Tanuja Puvvada
Team Tama 2010
'సగటు' గారు విన్న ఎన్నికల రోజు గుసగుసలు
These are some of the rumblings that were overheard during elections..No offense to anybody..
1. Anybody can win against Mana Tama VP candidate OR if anybody other than GA contested for VP position can win easily..
-- An unidentified person from Mana Tama Team
2. Candidates who lost would cry for a day and the candidates who won would cry whole year
-- Some Voter
3. History would repeat itself
-- One of the contestant
4. I see lot of foreigners here
-- One of the longtime GA resident commenting on the flow of crowds that are never seen before in TAMA Programs
5. They will take 4 months of celebration, 4 festival programs and 4 months to prepare for next election.
-- One of the member commenting on 1 year term for TAMA
6. MT contesting on TP is like "Pucchuka meeda Brahmastram"
-- Unidentified person
7. Food stall lo food kooda "kamma" ga undi
-- Unidentified person
8. Biggest beneficier of this election is RA , Biggest Bakra is GA and it's no loss no gain for the members (becos most of them never paid from their pocket)
-- Undisclosed person
9. I wish we have rented 15 seater Van or something .. i am tired to bringing people 8 at a time from apartments to Vote
- Disgruntled driver who is "helping" voters with transportation
10. I wonder why some contestants are annual members..if they want to come to serve TAMA, they should show by example by becoming life member
-- Furious voter learning that some of the contestants are just annual members
These are some of the rumblings that were overheard during elections..No offense to anybody..
1. Anybody can win against Mana Tama VP candidate OR if anybody other than GA contested for VP position can win easily..
-- An unidentified person from Mana Tama Team
2. Candidates who lost would cry for a day and the candidates who won would cry whole year
-- Some Voter
3. History would repeat itself
-- One of the contestant
4. I see lot of foreigners here
-- One of the longtime GA resident commenting on the flow of crowds that are never seen before in TAMA Programs
5. They will take 4 months of celebration, 4 festival programs and 4 months to prepare for next election.
-- One of the member commenting on 1 year term for TAMA
6. MT contesting on TP is like "Pucchuka meeda Brahmastram"
-- Unidentified person
7. Food stall lo food kooda "kamma" ga undi
-- Unidentified person
8. Biggest beneficier of this election is RA , Biggest Bakra is GA and it's no loss no gain for the members (becos most of them never paid from their pocket)
-- Undisclosed person
9. I wish we have rented 15 seater Van or something .. i am tired to bringing people 8 at a time from apartments to Vote
- Disgruntled driver who is "helping" voters with transportation
10. I wonder why some contestants are annual members..if they want to come to serve TAMA, they should show by example by becoming life member
-- Furious voter learning that some of the contestants are just annual members
గుండె పగిలిన కొండా
The only candidate supported by konda in this election unfortunately got the least number of votes in the election. It is heard that candidate has been complaining about it by saying...
అన్నా అంటే..... నేనున్నా అని కొండంత ధైర్యం ఇచ్చే కొండా ఏమయ్యాడు?
అన్నా అంటే..... నేనున్నా అని కొండంత ధైర్యం ఇచ్చే కొండా ఏమయ్యాడు?
మళ్లీ ఈ సంవత్సరం కూడా ఎన్నికల ఆఫీసర్లు అవక తవకలు చేసారా ?
పోయిన సారి జరిగిన రచ్చ తరువాత ఎన్నికల ఆఫీసర్లను మరింత సూక్ష్మంగా పరిశీలించడం జరిగిందని,ఎన్ని వోట్లు ఎవరి దగ్గర నోక్కేస్తారో అని అందరూ ఒక నిఘా వేసి ఉంచారు. కాని అదృష్ట వశాత్తు అన్ని సక్రమంగా జరిగాయని, విజు చిలువేరు తప్ప అందరు జెంటిల్ మన్ లాగ ప్రవర్తించారని విన్నాము. అన్నింటికంటే విచిత్రమైన విషయమేమిటంటే లోన ఉన్న ఇరు పక్షాల ఎలెక్షన్ agents అందరు ఒకరికొకరు సహకరించుకున్నారని విన్నాము . శ్రీ సురేందర్ ముత్యాల గారిని, శ్రీ రమాకాంత్ రాళ్ళపల్లి గారిని , వెంకట్ మొండెడ్డు గారిని ఇరు పక్షాల వారు పొగిడారు.
Devi Concedes defeat
I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to come, participate in the GBM, patiently listening to us and waiting in line to cast the vote. Irrespective of the results, I would like to thank each and every one of you for doing this for our community.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers and the current TAMA committee for being patient and organizing the election process to go smooth.
I am proud at being given the chance to be part of the elections and even though I didn't win, I will continue to serve TAMA in whatever way I can.
Thank again,
Sreedevi Dadithota.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers and the current TAMA committee for being patient and organizing the election process to go smooth.
I am proud at being given the chance to be part of the elections and even though I didn't win, I will continue to serve TAMA in whatever way I can.
Thank again,
Sreedevi Dadithota.
Breaking News - TAMA being pulled to Courts AGGGAIN...
TeamTAMA2010 which lost the election 7-2 is going to court today to overturn the election results. Stay tuned for Breaking News.
చాంద్ భళా - ఎన్ని'కల' ఫలితాలు
The electorate infuses new blood into TAMA.
మధుర గానం చేసిన మధు. వనితలు విదిలించిన పువ్వు
మధు(Madhu) - 815 X
తనూజ(Tanuja) - 575
Vice President
అలలు అలలుగ వచ్చిన అల్లాల. ఆరాట పడతాడేమో ఆనంద్
అల్లాల(Allala) - 728 X
ఆనంద్(Anand) - 654
బతుకమ్మ బతుకమ్మ నన్ను గెలిపించినవమ్మ
వెంకట్(Venkat) - 784 X
మేక(Meka) - 597
హల్వా తినిపించిన అల్వాల్ తుస్సు మన్న సాయి
ఆల్వాల్(Aluwal) - 743 X
సాయి(Sai) - 634
Cultural Coordinator
ప్రత్యర్థుల సహాయం తో గెలిచిన మహేష్,ఓడిపోయినా మాజీ ప్రెసిడెంటు
మహేష్(Mahesh) - 727 X
శ్రీదేవి(Sreedevi) - 656
Media Coordinator
సురేష్ పెద్ది(Suresh Peddi) - 778 X
కర్నాటి(Karnati) - 603
Education Co-ordinator
సునీల్(Sunil) - 749 X
శ్రీ(Sree) - 628
Literary Co-ordinator
ఉదయించిన కొత్త వనిత సంధ్య, ఫణి recommendation పని చేయని దుర్భ
సంధ్య(Sandhya) - 745 X
దుర్భ(Durbha) - 640
Technology Co-ordinator
వరప్రసాద్(Varaprasad) - 731 X
ఉమేష్(Umesh) - 651
మధుర గానం చేసిన మధు. వనితలు విదిలించిన పువ్వు
మధు(Madhu) - 815 X
తనూజ(Tanuja) - 575
Vice President
అలలు అలలుగ వచ్చిన అల్లాల. ఆరాట పడతాడేమో ఆనంద్
అల్లాల(Allala) - 728 X
ఆనంద్(Anand) - 654
బతుకమ్మ బతుకమ్మ నన్ను గెలిపించినవమ్మ
వెంకట్(Venkat) - 784 X
మేక(Meka) - 597
హల్వా తినిపించిన అల్వాల్ తుస్సు మన్న సాయి
ఆల్వాల్(Aluwal) - 743 X
సాయి(Sai) - 634
Cultural Coordinator
ప్రత్యర్థుల సహాయం తో గెలిచిన మహేష్,ఓడిపోయినా మాజీ ప్రెసిడెంటు
మహేష్(Mahesh) - 727 X
శ్రీదేవి(Sreedevi) - 656
Media Coordinator
సురేష్ పెద్ది(Suresh Peddi) - 778 X
కర్నాటి(Karnati) - 603
Education Co-ordinator
సునీల్(Sunil) - 749 X
శ్రీ(Sree) - 628
Literary Co-ordinator
ఉదయించిన కొత్త వనిత సంధ్య, ఫణి recommendation పని చేయని దుర్భ
సంధ్య(Sandhya) - 745 X
దుర్భ(Durbha) - 640
Technology Co-ordinator
వరప్రసాద్(Varaprasad) - 731 X
ఉమేష్(Umesh) - 651
ఎలక్షన్ కౌంటింగ్ ఇంకా జరుగుతుంది
The TAMA 2010 election counting process is still continuing into the wee hours of the morning. The anticipated time for election results is around 3 AM EST.
There have been some un-confirmed reports that Madhu Tata and his team are leading in the exit polls.
There have been some un-confirmed reports that Madhu Tata and his team are leading in the exit polls.
December 6, 2009
ఎలెక్షన్ల ఆన్ లైన్ పొల్ల్స్ లో ముందున్న మధు
Looks like Madhu's panel has been leading according to Rachabanda opinion polls
ఇంకా ఎన్నికల పారాణి అరలేదు అపుడే నాంది పలికిన మరో తెలుగు సంఘం
From: Atlanta Telugu Volunteers
Date: Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 7:09 PM
Subject: A plea from a few of us who are interested in serving the community
Dear friends and members of the Telugu community of Atlanta,
The hour is nigh (upon us) and we must all be busy participating in the electoral process. We either would have cast our vote or would be casting our vote to whoever we think will best represent the Telugu community.
First of all we would like to express our stand on this elections. We supported whoever we thought would best represent the democratic processes in TAMA. We supported whoever promised to support and respect the needs of the Telugu community in Atlanta and not focus on extraneous affairs. As such we feel that there are good candidates on eithers and bad apples too and leave it to your wise judgment to make the right choice. We waited to make this announcement so that we not lose sight of the issues at hand in TAMA. We did not want to shift focus from the point at hand.
That said a few of us got together and brainstormed as to whether TAMA best represents an outlet to our zeal, service, creativity and culture. We came to a conclusion that TAMA which is indeed a storied organization has grown to be a monolith and we needed to find an alternative outlet. We have been getting requests from a lot of friends to conduct various programs which are not really feasible under TAMA's outlook. To facilitate this we have decided to launch an organization which will represent the interests and cultural needs of the Telugu population of Atlanta.
We can hear the rumblings now that we have made this announcement. Why are you trying to break the community? Why cant you work in TAMA etc. etc.? For this one time we would like to take the pains to explain our stand in this matter. We live in a society where "monopoly" is not a good word. Eventually it is all about the best interests of the "consumer" in our case the community. We go to the Sai Temple and to the Hindu Temple of Atlanta. Our experiences in both the places are different and neither is less than the other. No one asked us "Why do you go to the Sai Temple". In the true spirit of Indian culture we believe in the fact that "Each person seeks his salvation in his own way". We do not want to compete with TAMA. We do not consider ourselves and alternative to TAMA. We welcome anyone who will come and participate with us in our activities whether they are from TAMA or any other organization. We believe that we are all still one big family. Please do not forget that most of us are and will still be members of TAMA.
We humbly request your support, blessings and critique(Steel burnished by fire is more stronger than steel lying idle in the cupboard). We hope you will support our ideas and come share in the joy of "service" with us.
Following is our manifesto:
Atlanta Telugu Sangam - Out of the ashes a new hope rises.
After observing, participating in and challenging the status quo for the past few years we believe that we have observed and noticed “How not to run an organization”. At the behest of well wishers and supporters a few of us came together and realized that we may have some ideas to create and run an organization which does not cater to the whims and fancies of a few but serves the needs and causes of many. To truly succeed in this endeavor we need your support and participation and “some of us” need to become “many of us.” To facilitate this we would like to share with you the birth of “Atlanta Telugu Sangam.”
Our pledge to Atlanta Telugu Sangam:
We will ensure that nobody’s personal agenda or ego affects the long term and short term goals of "Atlanta Telugu Sangam".
We promise not to have a hierarchy of positions, which are then coveted by all and sundry. The bare minimum positions required for the operation of the organization will be designated and no managerial positions will be designated. No President, Vice President etc.
We promise to look into the needs of the local Telugu community first and foremost.
We promise to work with any organization without reservation if we believe in that particular cause.
We promise to be volunteers of the organization and not covet any positions in the organization.
We will not give scholarships in Hyderabad.
Any member of the organization can come forward and form a group with other members to facilitate any event. The members needn’t wait for the organization to do something. The organization is like a Jathara where everyone can do their own thing but governed by some rules and regulations. We will encourage our kids to be more involved and let the teens run some of the cultural events.
What we plan to do?
Service: Helpline
Number bank.
Blood type registry.
Carrer Assistance for University Students or someone wanting to shift
Family Emergency Assistance
Awareness Clinics (Life Insurance, Medical Check ups,…)
Medical Assistance to Visitors from India(Group of telugu doctors who are willing to take calls and provide first line of help)
Battered Woman
Student Insurance
First family (Assign a family to anyone who just moves from India)
Clubs and activities that are strategically aligned to our organization, as we want to build a living community organization. The goal is to let children meet other children and make new friends who have the same values and culture and parents get to know other community members.
Big Brother – Big Sister:
Children Clubs: Computer Club, Video Games Club, Reading Club, Chess Club, Art Club, Dance Club
Improve Leadership: Group Discussions, Creative Writing, Analytical Thinking, Leadership.
Outdoor Kids Activities: Hiking Club, Cycling Club
Sports Events
Movie Nights (Old Movies)
Mens Club
Womans Club
Provide a platform for children to show off their talent in front of an appreciating audience.
Support visiting Telugu scholars.
Support budding local talent.
A monthly online telugu magazine.
Disaster Response:
Natural Disasters
With Warm Wishes & Regards
Atlanta Telugu Volunteers
Date: Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 7:09 PM
Subject: A plea from a few of us who are interested in serving the community
Dear friends and members of the Telugu community of Atlanta,
The hour is nigh (upon us) and we must all be busy participating in the electoral process. We either would have cast our vote or would be casting our vote to whoever we think will best represent the Telugu community.
First of all we would like to express our stand on this elections. We supported whoever we thought would best represent the democratic processes in TAMA. We supported whoever promised to support and respect the needs of the Telugu community in Atlanta and not focus on extraneous affairs. As such we feel that there are good candidates on eithers and bad apples too and leave it to your wise judgment to make the right choice. We waited to make this announcement so that we not lose sight of the issues at hand in TAMA. We did not want to shift focus from the point at hand.
That said a few of us got together and brainstormed as to whether TAMA best represents an outlet to our zeal, service, creativity and culture. We came to a conclusion that TAMA which is indeed a storied organization has grown to be a monolith and we needed to find an alternative outlet. We have been getting requests from a lot of friends to conduct various programs which are not really feasible under TAMA's outlook. To facilitate this we have decided to launch an organization which will represent the interests and cultural needs of the Telugu population of Atlanta.
We can hear the rumblings now that we have made this announcement. Why are you trying to break the community? Why cant you work in TAMA etc. etc.? For this one time we would like to take the pains to explain our stand in this matter. We live in a society where "monopoly" is not a good word. Eventually it is all about the best interests of the "consumer" in our case the community. We go to the Sai Temple and to the Hindu Temple of Atlanta. Our experiences in both the places are different and neither is less than the other. No one asked us "Why do you go to the Sai Temple". In the true spirit of Indian culture we believe in the fact that "Each person seeks his salvation in his own way". We do not want to compete with TAMA. We do not consider ourselves and alternative to TAMA. We welcome anyone who will come and participate with us in our activities whether they are from TAMA or any other organization. We believe that we are all still one big family. Please do not forget that most of us are and will still be members of TAMA.
We humbly request your support, blessings and critique(Steel burnished by fire is more stronger than steel lying idle in the cupboard). We hope you will support our ideas and come share in the joy of "service" with us.
Following is our manifesto:
Atlanta Telugu Sangam - Out of the ashes a new hope rises.
After observing, participating in and challenging the status quo for the past few years we believe that we have observed and noticed “How not to run an organization”. At the behest of well wishers and supporters a few of us came together and realized that we may have some ideas to create and run an organization which does not cater to the whims and fancies of a few but serves the needs and causes of many. To truly succeed in this endeavor we need your support and participation and “some of us” need to become “many of us.” To facilitate this we would like to share with you the birth of “Atlanta Telugu Sangam.”
Our pledge to Atlanta Telugu Sangam:
We will ensure that nobody’s personal agenda or ego affects the long term and short term goals of "Atlanta Telugu Sangam".
We promise not to have a hierarchy of positions, which are then coveted by all and sundry. The bare minimum positions required for the operation of the organization will be designated and no managerial positions will be designated. No President, Vice President etc.
We promise to look into the needs of the local Telugu community first and foremost.
We promise to work with any organization without reservation if we believe in that particular cause.
We promise to be volunteers of the organization and not covet any positions in the organization.
We will not give scholarships in Hyderabad.
Any member of the organization can come forward and form a group with other members to facilitate any event. The members needn’t wait for the organization to do something. The organization is like a Jathara where everyone can do their own thing but governed by some rules and regulations. We will encourage our kids to be more involved and let the teens run some of the cultural events.
What we plan to do?
Service: Helpline
Number bank.
Blood type registry.
Carrer Assistance for University Students or someone wanting to shift
Family Emergency Assistance
Awareness Clinics (Life Insurance, Medical Check ups,…)
Medical Assistance to Visitors from India(Group of telugu doctors who are willing to take calls and provide first line of help)
Battered Woman
Student Insurance
First family (Assign a family to anyone who just moves from India)
Clubs and activities that are strategically aligned to our organization, as we want to build a living community organization. The goal is to let children meet other children and make new friends who have the same values and culture and parents get to know other community members.
Big Brother – Big Sister:
Children Clubs: Computer Club, Video Games Club, Reading Club, Chess Club, Art Club, Dance Club
Improve Leadership: Group Discussions, Creative Writing, Analytical Thinking, Leadership.
Outdoor Kids Activities: Hiking Club, Cycling Club
Sports Events
Movie Nights (Old Movies)
Mens Club
Womans Club
Provide a platform for children to show off their talent in front of an appreciating audience.
Support visiting Telugu scholars.
Support budding local talent.
A monthly online telugu magazine.
Disaster Response:
Natural Disasters
With Warm Wishes & Regards
Atlanta Telugu Volunteers
చీటి(ing)కి మాటికి మారుతున్న అధికారిక పద్ధతులు మరియు నిబంధనలు
Process and Rules for TAMA 2010 Elections
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information/rules provided in this document are not intended to be compressive (Remember, we are all working as volunteers!!!) . This is only partial list and the decisions of the Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian would be final for all the unlisted rules and regulations.
Information and Rules for Voters
1. GBM Start Time: 3:00 PM
2. The Elections Start Time : 4:30 PM (approximately) (after the completion of GBM)
3. Elections End Time: 8:30 PM
4. The End time of the elections is strictly observed by the Nominating Committee. All the voters that reach inside the voting area on or before 8:30PM, will be allowed to vote. No voters will be allowed to enter the voting area after 8:30PM.
5. Definition of “Valid ID/Valid Photo ID”: A Government issued ID with a photo on it. Examples are passport, drivers license, United States military papers with photo id etc.
6. A member needs to present a Valid Photo ID.
7. If the spouse name of a family member is not listed in the member list document, he/she will be allowed to vote only if the following conditions (a and b) are satisfied.
a. He/She has a Valid Photo ID.
b. The last name or the home address in his/her valid Photo ID matches that of the member; Or his/her name is listed in a utility bill which has an address same as that of the member; Or any other documentation that supports that he/she is the spouse of the member (The decision of the Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian would be final)
If the spouse name of a member is not listed in the member list document and doesn’t satisfy the above requirements (a and b), he or she will not be allowed to vote.
8. If the spouse name of a family member is wrongly listed in the member list document, the rules mentioned in (7) above will apply.
9. Absentee ballots are not allowed.
10. Proxy voting is not allowed.
Rules for contestants
1. No campaigning of any sort is allowed inside the venue of voting.
2. Each panel will be allowed eight agents to observe the election process.
3. A contestant cannot serve as an agent.
4. Agents are the representatives of the contestants and their decision will represent the contestants’ decision for any minor corrections if any during the elections.
5. Votes will be counted once and recorded in an electronic document as well as a physical document by the Nominating Committee.
6. If the difference in votes for a candidate for a position is less than or equal to 5 from the nearest contestant, the votes will be counted a second time for that position only.
7. Recount of the entire votes needs a special GBM permission.
8. Unused ballot papers at the end of the voting will be discarded appropriately by the Nominating Committee.
9. The elections process will be conducted by Parliamenarian/Nominating Committee with the help of Election Officers (EOs) appointed by Nominating Committee. Community members are encouraged to approach the Nominating Committee to serve as EOs.
10. The presidential candidates will be given three minutes each to address the audience and all other candidates will be given two minutes each. Unanimous candidates will not be given this opportunity.
Agents’ Rights/Responsibilities
1. No arguing with the voters.
2. If they observe any fraudulent activity during elections, they should bring it to the attention of Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian immediately.
3. Any incident brought up after the elections will not be entertained.
4. You could request the Election Officer to verify that the person seeking to vote was born on or before Dec 6, 1988. (It is required that a TAMA member and the spouse of the member is at least 21 yrs of age)
5. Agents will have to sign the observation forms during the following four phases during elections:
• After checking the empty ballot boxes and the sealed box of ballots at the beginning of the elections.
• The closing time of the election is strictly observed by the Nominating Committee. All the voters that reach the voting area before the cutoff time, will be allowed to vote. Any voters reaching voting area after the cutoff time will not be allowed to vote.
• When the counting is completed
• After the final list of the winning candidates is declared by the Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian.
Counting Agents’ Responsibilities
1. Three agents from each panel are allowed while counting of the votes takes place.
2. The counting agents are not allowed to carry cell phones with them.
Rights/Responsibilities of the Election Officers
1. If they observe any fraudulent activity during elections, they should bring it to the attention of Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian immediately.
2. Any incident brought up after the elections will not be entertained.
3. Upon request from an Election Agent or at random (trying to be legal here!!!), the Election Officer on duty needs to verify that the person seeking to vote was born on or before Dec 6, 1988. (It is required that a TAMA member and the spouse of the member is at least 21 yrs of age)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information/rules provided in this document are not intended to be compressive (Remember, we are all working as volunteers!!!) . This is only partial list and the decisions of the Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian would be final for all the unlisted rules and regulations.
Information and Rules for Voters
1. GBM Start Time: 3:00 PM
2. The Elections Start Time : 4:30 PM (approximately) (after the completion of GBM)
3. Elections End Time: 8:30 PM
4. The End time of the elections is strictly observed by the Nominating Committee. All the voters that reach inside the voting area on or before 8:30PM, will be allowed to vote. No voters will be allowed to enter the voting area after 8:30PM.
5. Definition of “Valid ID/Valid Photo ID”: A Government issued ID with a photo on it. Examples are passport, drivers license, United States military papers with photo id etc.
6. A member needs to present a Valid Photo ID.
7. If the spouse name of a family member is not listed in the member list document, he/she will be allowed to vote only if the following conditions (a and b) are satisfied.
a. He/She has a Valid Photo ID.
b. The last name or the home address in his/her valid Photo ID matches that of the member; Or his/her name is listed in a utility bill which has an address same as that of the member; Or any other documentation that supports that he/she is the spouse of the member (The decision of the Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian would be final)
If the spouse name of a member is not listed in the member list document and doesn’t satisfy the above requirements (a and b), he or she will not be allowed to vote.
8. If the spouse name of a family member is wrongly listed in the member list document, the rules mentioned in (7) above will apply.
9. Absentee ballots are not allowed.
10. Proxy voting is not allowed.
Rules for contestants
1. No campaigning of any sort is allowed inside the venue of voting.
2. Each panel will be allowed eight agents to observe the election process.
3. A contestant cannot serve as an agent.
4. Agents are the representatives of the contestants and their decision will represent the contestants’ decision for any minor corrections if any during the elections.
5. Votes will be counted once and recorded in an electronic document as well as a physical document by the Nominating Committee.
6. If the difference in votes for a candidate for a position is less than or equal to 5 from the nearest contestant, the votes will be counted a second time for that position only.
7. Recount of the entire votes needs a special GBM permission.
8. Unused ballot papers at the end of the voting will be discarded appropriately by the Nominating Committee.
9. The elections process will be conducted by Parliamenarian/Nominating Committee with the help of Election Officers (EOs) appointed by Nominating Committee. Community members are encouraged to approach the Nominating Committee to serve as EOs.
10. The presidential candidates will be given three minutes each to address the audience and all other candidates will be given two minutes each. Unanimous candidates will not be given this opportunity.
Agents’ Rights/Responsibilities
1. No arguing with the voters.
2. If they observe any fraudulent activity during elections, they should bring it to the attention of Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian immediately.
3. Any incident brought up after the elections will not be entertained.
4. You could request the Election Officer to verify that the person seeking to vote was born on or before Dec 6, 1988. (It is required that a TAMA member and the spouse of the member is at least 21 yrs of age)
5. Agents will have to sign the observation forms during the following four phases during elections:
• After checking the empty ballot boxes and the sealed box of ballots at the beginning of the elections.
• The closing time of the election is strictly observed by the Nominating Committee. All the voters that reach the voting area before the cutoff time, will be allowed to vote. Any voters reaching voting area after the cutoff time will not be allowed to vote.
• When the counting is completed
• After the final list of the winning candidates is declared by the Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian.
Counting Agents’ Responsibilities
1. Three agents from each panel are allowed while counting of the votes takes place.
2. The counting agents are not allowed to carry cell phones with them.
Rights/Responsibilities of the Election Officers
1. If they observe any fraudulent activity during elections, they should bring it to the attention of Nominating Committee/Parliamentarian immediately.
2. Any incident brought up after the elections will not be entertained.
3. Upon request from an Election Agent or at random (trying to be legal here!!!), the Election Officer on duty needs to verify that the person seeking to vote was born on or before Dec 6, 1988. (It is required that a TAMA member and the spouse of the member is at least 21 yrs of age)
ఒకే ఒక్కడు - వన్ అండ్ ఓన్లీ ఇన్ అట్లాంటా
My name is Suresh Peddi. I am contesting for the position of Media Co-ordinator for the upcoming TAMA elections. I have been living in Atlanta for the past 7 years. I believe that my experience in bringing Telugu movies to the Telugu community in the United States makes me uniquely qualified for the role of a Media Co-ordinator.
If elected I would like to redefine the role of the Media Co-ordinator. I will do my best to bring TAMA to your doorstep and to the doorsteps of the many Telugu families through the effective use of Media. I will record and catalog important events in TAMA for our future generations. This year TAMA has not done a very good job in capturing the memories of our precious little ones as has been the practice over the past years. I intend to change this.
I humbly request you to vote for me and my team in the upcoming TAMA elections. I will promise to portray TAMA in it's best light as a vibrant and diverse Telugu organization in Atlanta.
Suresh Babu Peddi
Contesting for the position of Media Co-ordinator
PH; (404) 281-8934
Please click here for directions to the Venue.
South Forsyth Middle School
2865 Old Atlanta Rd
Cumming, GA 30041
If elected I would like to redefine the role of the Media Co-ordinator. I will do my best to bring TAMA to your doorstep and to the doorsteps of the many Telugu families through the effective use of Media. I will record and catalog important events in TAMA for our future generations. This year TAMA has not done a very good job in capturing the memories of our precious little ones as has been the practice over the past years. I intend to change this.
I humbly request you to vote for me and my team in the upcoming TAMA elections. I will promise to portray TAMA in it's best light as a vibrant and diverse Telugu organization in Atlanta.
Suresh Babu Peddi
Contesting for the position of Media Co-ordinator
PH; (404) 281-8934
Please click here for directions to the Venue.
South Forsyth Middle School
2865 Old Atlanta Rd
Cumming, GA 30041
బతుకమ్మ బతుకమ్మ నన్ను గెలిపించమ్మ
My name is Dr. Venkat Veeraneni. I am contesting for the position of Secretary in the upcoming TAMA elections. I have been living in Atlanta for the past 7 years. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Osmania University.
I have been very actively involved in the Atlanta Telugu community for the past 7 years. I have played a key role in founding and conducting the Batukamma celebrations for the past 4 years. I have friends across a broad spectrum of the Telugu community in Atlanta. I take pleasure in building bridges and I try to strictly shun anything controversial.
If elected for the position of Secretary I promise to bring transparency and accountability to the Executive Committee of TAMA. I will strive to record and publish the minutes of meeting of the EC. I believe that this will bring about a cordial and professional environment in the EC.
I humbly request you to support me. Please vote for me and my team in the upcoming TAMA elections. I will promise you that I will not let you down and bring honor and dignity to the post of the Secretary of TAMA.
Venkat Veeraneni
contesting for the position of Secretary of TAMA 2010
PH; (732) 801 9554
Please click here for directions to the Venue.
South Forsyth Middle School
2865 Old Atlanta Rd
Cumming, GA 30041
I have been very actively involved in the Atlanta Telugu community for the past 7 years. I have played a key role in founding and conducting the Batukamma celebrations for the past 4 years. I have friends across a broad spectrum of the Telugu community in Atlanta. I take pleasure in building bridges and I try to strictly shun anything controversial.
If elected for the position of Secretary I promise to bring transparency and accountability to the Executive Committee of TAMA. I will strive to record and publish the minutes of meeting of the EC. I believe that this will bring about a cordial and professional environment in the EC.
I humbly request you to support me. Please vote for me and my team in the upcoming TAMA elections. I will promise you that I will not let you down and bring honor and dignity to the post of the Secretary of TAMA.
Venkat Veeraneni
contesting for the position of Secretary of TAMA 2010
PH; (732) 801 9554
Please click here for directions to the Venue.
South Forsyth Middle School
2865 Old Atlanta Rd
Cumming, GA 30041
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