TAMA Rachabanda

TamaRachaBanda for Transparency, Accountability, Measurability and Accuracy

December 17, 2009

కొత్త ఉత్సాహం తో తామా రచ్చబండ

A new look and a new charter for TamaRachaBanda.

First and foremost, we want to thank all the volunteers and supporters of TamaRachaBanda who helped us in bringing in the content and making this blog possible. We want to thank all the community members who are actively and passively supporting this blog everyday. We have registered over 70,000+ page views over the last month and are growing strong. Your support has made our resolve stronger and firmer. The community needs a blog such as this, which will adhere to certain basic principles and provide a voice for the TAMA members and other visitors on the daily events that occur in the community.

A lot of euphoria has been generated from the local telugu community for Madhu's team for winning the 2010 TAMA elections. We congratulate and welcome the current executive team for coming forward with a great manifesto for Transparency and Accountability. We will be here watching and monitoring the progress of the 2010Executive Committee and will be the voice for all TAMA members by providing a channel for their opinions and interests on the proceedings of TAMA.

Although, we had to make some adjustments, while we are actively working on strategies to make the blog more friendly and informative. There were times we didn't have enough resources to moderate the comments section on the blog. We understand that anonymous comments are the foundation for online blogging and had to take we had to take this extreme step to stop accepting anonymous comments under the reasoning that we don't want people using this site as a forum to attack people without revealing themselves. Great news is that we have recruited several volunteers from the community who will help us with comments moderation and also bring life to the blog with new posts and activities.

We will be putting together several surveys the next few weeks on all community related issues related to TAMA and focus on filtering out the main directives from members to the executives. There are several promises that have been made during the current election and there is lot more to do than the availability of resources. Together we can address these issues and prioritize and channel resources to what the community needs and wants to see happen

We will be creating a dashboard to measure the popularity of the measures that will be taken by the executive committee for the current year and revisit the progress made every three months. This would give us a essence of how things are progressing in the community and would eliminate any last minute surprises.

We are still looking for writers, authors, and comment moderators for this online blogging community, your support and participation will make this blog lively and informative. We request you to send us short articles, emails, facts and analysis on all events and isssues that are relevant to our community. We will make every effort to post them immediately on the the site. Please send them to tamarachabanda@gmail.com. We will not post anything that is too offensive.

Thank you

Mana TamaRachaBanda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news!!! Please keep up the good work.
